Joining a Movement

Claudia Amador
2 min readOct 19, 2020


Moving Towards Data Science

In my transition back to technology, I settle on data science as the target. It appeals to my desire to connect people with ideas and I get to play with numbers. To learn more, I enroll in a certificate program.

In that program, we focus on data science concepts and work on a variety of applications like KNIME, Tableau, and Rapid Miner, among others, to further develop our understanding.

Then, I look around and see that most of the online posts in the data science community talk about software development and GitHub repositories when they speak about their projects. I decide to look into that. I find a great resource online on YouTube.

Why join the #66DaysOfData challenge?

I happened upon Ken Jee’s YouTube page. He initiated the 66 day challenge. I decide to join and expand my understanding of Data Science.

My original intent is to create a project and write about it here. I want to do what I see everyone else doing. I want to find an IDE and create a GitHub repository to share. I have an idea for a project. I want to examine the twitter feed from the challenge hash tag.

As time goes on, I find it challenging to focus on that learning while still pursing my certificate program. The courses require a lot of reading. Also, I’m participating in an internship. I realize however, that I can still share what I’m learning. It is ok to be different. It is ok to go at a different speed.

And then what happened?

I plan to post about data science as I currently understand it.

Stay tuned for more..

