Dissecting An Open Source ETC Blockchain Explorer

Christian Seberino, Ph.D.
3 min readAug 14, 2018


Many rely on Ethereum Classic (ETC) blockchain explorers for information about the ETC system. I will analyze the open source ETCPlanet.org blockchain explorer application and source code which is available here.


ETC blockchain explorers display information about the ETC system. Typically this involves web applications with access to ETC network nodes (computers). Information requests to ETC nodes use the Web3 JSON RPC (Javascript Object Notation Remote Procedure Call) interfaces. The ETCPlanet.org explorer is written in Python using the Django framework. It requires access to an ETC Parity node. See the json_rpc.py file for details regarding how Web3 requests are made.


Users specify search requests by entering numbers into a search box. Sizes of numbers determine search request types. Numbers can denote block numbers, block hashes, transaction hashes or account addresses. All numbers, with the possible exception of block numbers, must be hexadecimal and begin with “0x”.


Block, transaction and account search results contains all the associated fields. Block search results also specify block sizes, block header hashes and mining rewards. Transaction search results also specify transaction hashes, transaction gas requirements, block numbers, block creation dates and times, block transaction list indices, sending account addresses, and, sending account public keys. (Although transactions do not specify sending addresses, they can be found from the digital signatures.) Account search results also specify whether accounts are external accounts or smart contract accounts.


Feel free to utilize the ETCPlanet.org application and source code as desired. As we all keep improving the ETC toolset, the entire ETC system keeps getting stronger.


Feel free to leave any comments or questions below. You can also contact me by email at cs@etcplanet.com or by clicking any of these icons:


I would like to thank IOHK (Input Output Hong Kong) for funding this effort.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0
International License.



Christian Seberino, Ph.D.

My goal is to serve the Ethereum Classic, Ethereum and related blockchain communities with educational materials including writings, podcasts, talks and videos.