A Life Cycle Reborn

Chapter 2 Toast and Chocolate Spread

Carolynne Raymond
3 min readApr 8, 2017

Sequel to Chapter 1 Who is Robin?

I step through the front door and see Kyle; just seeing him makes the drive home frustrations go away. I smile at the sight of him and say, “Hey babes! How was your day?”

He peeks over the back of the couch, he was watching television, “Oh, hey Robin. It was good. My Dad called earlier, I took Smarty for a run, and I watched a couple of movies that you probably wouldn’t like. How was your day?”

I take my shoes off and put my purse away, “It was ok, nothing new to share and sadly no office gossip to tell you about, I got nothing interesting for you.” I smile and shrug at him.

Kyle asks, “What time did your mom and dad want us there for?”

I snuggle up with him on the couch, “They said 5:30 PM. We probably won’t eat until 6:30 PM, I am a little hungry now and was going to make myself a toast with chocolate spread did you want one?”

He flashes the cheesiest smile and flutters his eyelashes at me to exaggerate just how touched he is that I am even considering making him a snack and in the most exaggeratingly appreciative voice he says, “That would be great Robin, thank you.” He smiles and gives a clearly fake bashful flirt with his eyes, and I go to the kitchen to prepare our snack.

Kyle is my husband and best friend. I think that we balance each other out. After six years of marriage, we are still finding ways to make each other laugh, and we keep each other on our toes. He is the type of person who always tries to make you laugh. His personality ranges from care free and playful to a more down to earth provider. I also have a playful personality and often times I am the “instigator” with the nonsense that goes on in our house, and he will always roll with it, but if I am not careful I will get my fun, games and nonsense handed back to be tenfold. Like, for example let’s say I go to give him what looks to be a loving innocent hug and it is, but I have an ulterior motive, for example that my hands are actually cold and need warming. I will hug him and touch my icy cold hands to his bare skin, wrapping my arms around him and resting my hands on his bare back. This will usually result in him screaming and jumping out of my grasp in sheer surprise and shock. Kyle will often return the prank by making his hands cold by putting them in the freezer and then chase me down. He will hug me just as I did to him, only he will leave his icy freezer hands on my bare skin for minutes on end as I scream while trying to squirm out of his grasp. The only difference is I can’t break free from his hold. I believe that we are outgoing people, and when we want to achieve something, we do, and if we fail, we don’t let the failure eat us up, we just push through it. For instance, Kyle being out of work now, we are sort of embracing it because he does work hard, and we take the mentality that he will eventually land another job soon, and this period is just an “extended” vacation.

I smear the chocolate spread onto the toast for the two of us and find my way back to the couch to eat and watch the rest of the show with Kyle.

What now? Shower and then change into something a little more comfortable for my sister’s Birthday dinner at mom and dad’s house. Well I guess working out like a rock star isn’t going to happen tonight. Ah well, there is always tomorrow… I do hope my little sister Samantha loves the necklace.

If you enjoyed this, kindly give it a green heart & read the next Chapter 3 A Bead and Pearl Necklace here!



Carolynne Raymond

Mom, Wife & Science Fiction & Fantasy Author 🧚🏻‍♀️🐉🦄🏰🛸🚀👽