A Life Cycle Reborn

Chapter 6 Tale of Taylan

Carolynne Raymond
6 min readApr 23, 2017

Sequel to Chapter 5 Travel and Rest

I was a human, well sort of. The closest thing I can compare this to, would be of a human form. I had the body, shape and size of a human, but some of the characteristics that my body had were not human. My hair for instance, was different. I had a full head of beautiful silky long hair that never seemed to tangle, even in the most humid heat. The thing that was neat about my hair is that it took on the colors of what my eyes set their sights on. It did not change color instantaneously, it was more of a gradual change over the course of a few minutes, and when a color change was occurring, which was always, it was sort of like seeing a dry cloth soaking up water. It was a wonderful trait to have. It was that of beauty and that of an item of protection and camouflage. It was interesting because even after sleeping for hours, even if you have dreamed of places and things, no matter what, your hair is black when you wake because that is what your eyes have seen while asleep; darkness. My skin was another beautiful part of this body. Unlike humans being prone to acne, getting rashes from illness, or irritants in our environments, or the bumps you obtain after a bug bite, or allergic reactions and the factor of living for many years and showing signs of age, this skin that I had didn’t do that. The skin was similar in that there were the same shades of skin in this world as in the world that we know to be Earth, but the skin that this body had was more resilient. It simply didn’t show signs of age, or was not easily susceptible to elements in the air, or illness. It was a strong, smooth skin, from birth to death, even if you were at the end of your life you never looked old, as people do on earth, because of their strong healthy skin they had and the fact that the color of their hair was what you set your eyes on. You needed strong and resilient skin in this world. It was a tropical warm climate, the skin protected the body from heat, water loss, the sun, it kept the temperature of the body and organs cool during the day and warm at night. As well as it protected the body from parasites and the environment. There weren’t any more bugs in this world than on earth, but the bugs on this planet were stronger and generally lived longer because there wasn’t much of a climate change, and the skin protected the body from everything that a tropical climate had going for it. If I were injured, for example like getting a cut, or puncture to my skin, which rarely happened, but when it did, I would bleed like my human body. The difference is this body would let out as much blood as it needed to in order to fill the wound and the blood would dry and scab quicker to seal the wound, which in turn would heal faster than a human body. You were not invincible. For injuries that are more serious, you would still need medical assistance just like the bodies on earth, but the healing process in this world was much quicker since the body’s tissue was stronger.

Like humans, we have the ability to swim. This body, just like humans is rather slow moving in the water, but this body is a little better suited because in between the fingers and toes there was a small web of skin to aid in propelling yourself through the water. The webbed skin ended at the first knuckles. I was also able to hold my breath a little longer in this body so diving and swimming under water was more of a breeze to do. I could hold my breath for a few minutes at a time.

This world was similar to earth, but the temperature and climate of this world was more balanced. Snow and ice didn’t exist. There was only tropical humid climate as well as dry hot climate and variations in between. The world was for the most part beautiful, lush with forests and vegetation, the air was full of the sweet smells of beautiful flowers and life. The oceans, lakes, streams were fresh and clean. Unlike Earth, its civilization took on more of a natural state of living. The elements of light, wind and water were used to power its cities. The use of coal, or gas to power machines simply didn’t ever come into the minds of this civilization because coal and fossil fuels were never discovered. Civilization in this world is intelligent, and even though they had more advanced ways of powering cities, they held a very similar relation to that of a medieval world that existed on Earth. More people held trades for jobs for the most part, selling food, clothing, tools you name it even though the option was there to work for companies. The majority specialized in a product, or a trade to make money, or to simply barter and trade with others. There was no reason for someone to be poor unless they chose to do nothing, and if someone was physically incapable to work, families and communities came together and cared for loved ones that could not manage on their own. People were generally closer and there was a better sense of community because society was more in line for people to go out into the world and create their own wealth, which meant really getting to know who was in your community. This world sounds perfect right. Well an element exists on this world as it does with Earth and that is greed.

The populations, or cities as you will, always have a leader appointed, a king, queen and royal family. They can be voted into, or out of power, as its people and the power of wealth see fit. At times, there could be corruption from who was leading. These leaders were committed to the success of their Kingdoms and their people. These leaders were level headed, informed and smart individuals who thrive on the success of their people and the success of themselves. Like I said it does sound like a strong and well-grounded society, and for the most part it was because they care for the general wellbeing of others, but do keep in mind that their drive and motivation stems from other factors and they will do what it takes to make sure that they are successful.

In this previous life, I came from an area of the world that was tropical, humid and next to a beautiful ocean that had a massive reef. I was born into a family that was successful in their own right. I had a mother, Nafeeza and two older sisters, Ashlea and Saydira however, I never knew my father. I never asked my mom about him or my sisters. I believe that my sisters and I all had different fathers. I suspect that it was always a short relationship and they shared a moment with my mom and that was all. My mother didn’t talk about them because to her, they were part of her past and that was it. I believe she felt that we, my sisters and I were gifts. For the most part, we earned our living by gathering food and supplies as well as creating crafts. Our supplies came mostly from the ocean. Gathering was something that my sisters and I loved to do. We would visit the ocean, spending the day diving in the reef and harvesting food and other items for our family to use. We also traded and sold things that weren’t so readily available to others. I loved this life and everything about that world, but it wasn’t always so simple, I have a story to tell.

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Carolynne Raymond

Mom, Wife & Science Fiction & Fantasy Author 🧚🏻‍♀️🐉🦄🏰🛸🚀👽