Number of papers accepted by Software Engineering journals in 2017

1 min readJun 27, 2018


[Update: See also this new post, where we update the numbers presented here]

We are planning to index journals, in a next version of CSIndexbr. Before that, we are collecting data and studying metrics about Computer Science journals.

For example, here is a list of Software Engineering journals, together with the number of papers they accepted in 2017.

The data is from Scimago’s Journal Rankings, column Total Docs (2017).

Two brief comments about these journals:

  • JSS also publishes "systems papers", e.g., on "mobile, multiprocessing, real-time, distributed, cloud-based, dependable and virtualized systems"
  • IEEE Software publishes several "column articles".

Update #1: We were informed by ESEM that these numbers do not match the number of papers published in 2017.

Update #2: IEEE Software informed us about acceptance rates in 2017.




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