Number of papers published by Software Engineering journals (revised version)

2 min readJul 16, 2018


In a previous post, we reported the number of papers published by a group of Software Engineering journals, using data retrieved from Scimago.

Since we were questioned about the numbers of some journals, we decided to implement a script to retrieve the same data, but from DBLP.

The script counts the number of papers indexed by DBLP, for a group of journals. It only considers papers with at least 10 pages, to discard short papers, editorials, etc.

The results for 2017 are presented in this figure:

Number of papers published in 2017

The results of each journal over the last 6 years are presented next (the numbers for 2018 refer to papers published until June).

(for JSEP, we did not collect papers published in 2017–2018, due to missing page numbers in DBLP meta-data)

Disclaimer: as usual when extracting data from large datasets (~6.5M papers, in our case) we cannot guarantee that our numbers are 100% accurate.




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