Setting Objectives for Your Book Marketing Campaign

Carma Spence
3 min readOct 27, 2023
Goals (objectives) are the milestones that help you gauge your progress.

As your book marketing campaign takes shape, it’s essential to set clear and measurable objectives. Objectives serve as the milestones that help you gauge your progress and determine whether your campaign is on track. In this post, we’ll go into why setting objectives is crucial and how to define objectives that align with your campaign’s mission.

The Significance of Setting Objectives

Imagine embarking on a cross-country journey without a roadmap or destination in mind. You might drive aimlessly, and it’s unlikely you’ll reach your desired endpoint. Similarly, a book marketing campaign without clear objectives can lead to wasted resources and missed opportunities.

Here’s why setting objectives matters:

1. Provides Focus and Clarity

Clear objectives offer focus and clarity to your campaign. They define what you aim to achieve, providing a sense of purpose for your marketing efforts. With objectives in place, you can allocate your time, resources, and energy more effectively.

2. Enables Measurement of Progress

Objectives are measurable, allowing you to track your progress throughout the campaign. They serve as benchmarks to assess whether you’re moving closer to (or further from) your goals. This measurement skill empowers you to make data-driven decisions and adjustments as needed.

3. Aligns Efforts with Goals

By setting objectives, you align your campaign efforts with your overarching goals. Each objective should contribute to the mission and vision of your campaign, ensuring that every action supports your ultimate aim.

So, how do you go about defining clear and effective objectives for your campaign?

Creating S.M.A.R.T. Objectives

To ensure your objectives are meaningful and achievable, consider using the S.M.A.R.T. criteria:

  • Specific: Objectives should be specific and well-defined. Avoid vague or ambiguous language. Clearly state what you intend to accomplish.
  • Measurable: Objectives should be quantifiable. Use metrics and data to track progress and determine success.
  • Achievable: Objectives should be realistic and attainable. Set goals that are challenging but feasible.
  • Relevant: Objectives should align with your campaign’s mission and goals. Ensure that they contribute to the overall purpose of your marketing efforts.
  • Time-Bound: Objectives should have a defined timeframe for completion. Set deadlines to create a sense of urgency and accountability.

Here’s a template to help you structure your objectives:

“In this [specific time frame], our campaign aims to [specific, measurable objective] by [strategies or actions].”

Example: “In the first month of our campaign, we aim to increase our email subscriber list by 20% through targeted social media advertising and a lead magnet giveaway.”

Remember that your objectives should be in line with your campaign’s mission and vision. Each objective should move you closer to the overarching purpose of your marketing campaign.

In the upcoming posts, we’ll explore strategies for achieving your objectives and creating a detailed action plan. Stay tuned as we continue to build a comprehensive book marketing plan that aligns with your author identity and goals.

Setting objectives is like placing signposts along your marketing journey, guiding you toward a successful and purposeful campaign.

=> Still unclear about your author identity and goals? Check out my Author Brand Checklist. With this PDF in hand, you won’t miss a step when you develop your personal author brand.



Carma Spence

Carma Spence helps entrepreneurs write a client-attracting book in 90 days or less.