Spring 2016 Recruitment: Join us in making impact through innovation

Code The Change
2 min readJan 18, 2016


We’re very excited to announce that Spring 2016 Recruitment is now open! Code the Change is accepting applications for four positions: Developers, Project Managers, Communications Team members, and Designers

We’re looking for motivated, dedicated applicants, that are intrigued by Los Angeles social impact organizations, as much as they are interested in developing innovative solutions for these organizations. And we’re looking for students who love to collaborate and learn, who can join us in creating an awesome team atmosphere.

Below you’ll find a brief overview for each role, and links to a detailed description — check them out and send us your questions at ctcusc@gmail.com

We’re looking for applicants with some web experience, a fundamental understanding of how a web application works, and the ability to learn quickly, to keep up with a fast-paced environment.
Position Description: http://tinyurl.com/developer2016
Application: https://ctcusc.typeform.com/to/ZUrImA

Project Managers: We’re looking for excellent time management and organizational skills, and an ability to lead a team. Familiarity with web technologies (knowing how a web stack works), prior coding experience (any language), and javascript experience are preferred, but not required.
Position Description: http://tinyurl.com/projectmanager2016
Application: https://ctcusc.typeform.com/to/tVuZBH

Designers: We’re looking for creative, innovative designers that have some web experience or a desire to learn, and the ability to iterate rapidly
Position Description: http://tinyurl.com/designer2016
Application: https://ctcusc.typeform.com/to/ieKqKE

Communications Team: We’re looking for enthusiastic, professional, and creative communicators with ideas on promotion/marketing, and strong writing skills.
Position Description: http://tinyurl.com/communications2016
Application: https://ctcusc.typeform.com/to/XqI97W

Stay posted to learn about current members filling each role, to see what a day in the life looks like! CTC is turning one year old this semester, and we couldn’t be more excited to see where this semester’s projects and growth can help us go in the future. We can’t wait to read your applications.



Code The Change

Hi! We’re Code the Change — a community of students who design and build software for non-profit organizations in Los Angeles.