New computer? Easy ways to transfer old files

Computer Tips
3 min readJul 31, 2019


So you broke down and replaced your old computer by a brand new PC or Mac. Once the initial thrill is gone, you realize that you have a lot of files in your old computer that you want to put in your new device.

The task may seem daunting, but there are programs and DIY tools to help you get the job done. We have some tips for transferring your old files to a PC and a Mac.

Computer Tips and Tricks

The move of the PC

Depending on your movements, connect a USB flash drive or external hard drive to your old computer. Move all your files to the external device.

Remove the external device from the USB port of your old computer. Now, plug it into your new computer and move the files from external devices to your new computer. That’s all.

Another option is to move everything from your old computer to the cloud via programs such as Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive or Dropbox. There is however a warning to this method.

You can use these services for free, but their space is limited. Once the space is free, you need to buy more space.

If you really want to be thrifty, you can move as many files as you can in free space, move them to the new computer, go back and clear the free space and add more files, and so on . Obviously, it takes a lot of time, so you may just want to buy more space.

The fastest way to move files from one PC to another is to use a transfer cable. Connect both computers with the cable and start transferring files. Computers being connected, the transfer process will be faster than using an external hard drive.

In fact, if you want to transfer files from your old computer, you will need to invest money for an external hard drive, a cloud storage product, or a transfer cable.
The PC to Mac moves

You finally obeyed the song of Apple’s siren and bought a Mac. To a certain extent, they are very different computers. Will it be impossible to move your files from the PC to the Mac? Not at all.

In fact, you can use the same external device or the same cloud storage methods that you used to move files from one PC to another. There is a difference that makes the external device method a bit more difficult if you bought a new Mac laptop.

The new range of Mac laptops no longer has USB ports. You will need to purchase a USB adapter or docking station to connect both computers. Anyway, I recommend buying one of these adapters, because there are still many traditional products with USB connectors. If you bought a desktop Mac, the USB ports are still there.

Another way to move files from a PC to a Mac is to use the Mac Migration Wizard.

The migration wizard was first integrated with Mac OS X Lion and later operating systems. Chances are you have bought a new Mac, so you will have the wizard.

The tool transfers your contacts, calendars, email accounts, etc. from a PC to your Mac or a Mac to Mac. The Migration Wizard provides detailed instructions on using the program.

