Chris Lewis
1 min readJun 12, 2020


Fact, there are over 365 million interactions with the police each year, of those .05% result in physical altercation and .003% end in loss of life. Everything is being blown so out of proportion it’s ridiculous. You should spend a year in a country that really is what you think America is. Try any Asian country, India or The Middle East if you want to experience life as bad as you claim America is.
We live in a country where people can make a Billion dollars playing basketball and ANYONE with the athletic talent and motivation can reach that level.
The real issue is class, the real systemic issue is parents telling their kids that the world is against them because of who they are and where they come from.
Stop expecting me and others like me to feel guilty about being our race. My family is Irish and Native American, I have no privileged. I also don’t blame others for my lot in life. I made personal choices to make a better life for myself.

