A Triumph in Collaboration: Managing Product & Engineering Team for the Launch of New voilà.id

Catalyst Product & Engineering
6 min readApr 30, 2024


The technology world is a fast-paced, ever-changing landscape. At Catalyst, we thrive on innovation and a collaborative spirit. This mindset was crucial when we embarked on launching the latest version of our product, voilà.id.

As the leader entrusted with overseeing both the Product and Engineering teams, my role was to ensure a successful launch while keeping our company’s slogan, “Build Trust, Empower Others,” at the forefront of everything we did.

Launching a new product is a thrilling yet challenging endeavor, especially in the dynamic landscape of technology. The journey of bringing new voilà.id to life was not without its hurdles, but through effective management of both product and engineering teams, we achieved a successful launch that exceeded expectations. Let’s delve into the key highlights of our journey.

The Beginning: Goal Setting on Dispersed Team and Workflows

At the outset of the voilà.id project, we faced the unique challenge of managing a dispersed team across different locations. Our first task was to establish clear goals and workflows that would unite our diverse talents towards a common objective. Through regular virtual meetings and transparent communication channels, we ensured that every team member understood their role in the project and how their contributions fit into the bigger picture. This initial alignment set the stage for cohesive collaboration throughout the project lifecycle.

The Importance of Putting Trust in Each Team Leader

Our company slogan, “Build trust empower others,” is at the heart of our management philosophy. When you’re managing a team spread across different regions, trust becomes even more critical. Each team leader plays a pivotal role in ensuring their respective teams are functioning smoothly and meeting their objectives.

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful team and in the context of voilà.id, it was pivotal to entrust our team leaders with autonomy and authority. By empowering them to make decisions and lead their respective teams with confidence, we fostered a culture of accountability and ownership. This trust extended beyond traditional hierarchies, empowering every team member to take the initiative and contribute their unique expertise towards the project’s success. The result was a cohesive and empowered team that propelled the project forward with vigor and determination.

Defining the Scope of Work and Timeline

Clarity in scope and timeline was essential to keep the project on track amidst the complexities of product development. We meticulously defined the scope of work, breaking down deliverables into manageable tasks and setting realistic timelines for completion. Regular checkpoints and progress reviews allowed us to monitor our progress, identify potential bottlenecks, and adapt our strategies accordingly. This disciplined approach ensured that our efforts remained focused and aligned with the overarching goal of launching voilà.id within the stipulated timeframe.

Stakeholder Management

Navigating the interests and expectations of stakeholders is a delicate balancing act that requires effective communication and diplomacy. From the outset, we engaged stakeholders in the product development process, soliciting their input and feedback to shape the product vision. Clear and transparent communication channels ensured that stakeholders were kept informed of our progress, challenges, and successes every step of the way. By fostering a collaborative partnership with our stakeholders, we cultivated a shared sense of ownership and commitment to the project’s success.

Successful Launch of the New voilà.id

The culmination of months of hard work, collaboration, and unwavering dedication, the launch of voilà.id was a testament to the power of effective teamwork and strategic management. By setting clear goals, fostering trust among team members, defining scope and timeline, and actively engaging stakeholders throughout the process, we overcame challenges and capitalized on opportunities to deliver a product that exceeded expectations. The successful launch of voilà.id is not just a testament to our team’s capabilities but also a celebration of our collective commitment to innovation and excellence.

1. Customer Growth

This success is also reflected in our business and operations.

Since its launch at the end of February 2024, voilà.id’s customer growth has been steadily increasing, with the number of new members doubling compared to before the new version was released.

2. Mobile App Adoptions

Before the launch, voilà.id didn’t have its own mobile app. With the release of the project, we now have a customized iOS & Android mobile app for our customers.

After one month of the release, the voilà.id app contributes significant number of transactions, while increasing install rates are elevating our conversion rate. We’ve also maintained a consistent 99% crash-free rate.

3. Customer Satisfaction

In terms of user experience, we made numerous enhancements based on feedback from customers, stakeholders, business developments, and our future vision.

Through a user satisfaction survey conducted over the past month, we received a rating of 4.7 out of 5, indicating high satisfaction among users with the revamped Voila shopping experience.

Our customer satisfaction is evident not just in metrics but also in the decrease in user inquiries about product details and stock availability, indicating an improved shopping experience. One of our primary objectives in revamping our platform was to establish a sustainable ecosystem that fosters greater customer satisfaction in shopping for luxury goods while addressing their diverse needs comprehensively.

With features such as real-time boutique availability, access to various product variations on a single product detail page, virtual try-on, and other helpful tools, customers can easily navigate through our product catalog.

4. System Performance & Stability

In terms of engineering, we achieved a seamless system migration and ensured excellent performance during the launch, resulting in a smooth user transition from the previous system with “0” disruptions to back-office operations. Moreover, we achieved optimized cost-effectiveness. Find out on how we achieved this remarkable feat in this engineering publication below:


In conclusion, managing product and engineering teams to launch voilà.id was a journey marked by collaboration, determination, and unwavering dedication. Through effective goal-setting, trust-building, meticulous planning, stakeholder engagement, and relentless focus on our objectives, we navigated the complexities of product development with resilience and emerged triumphant.

As we celebrate this milestone, we look forward to the continued success and evolution of voilà.id, fueled by the same spirit of collaboration and innovation that drove its inception. We will continue to build on this success, always remembering that our greatest asset is our people. When we build trust and empower others, there’s no limit to what we can achieve.

As Michael Jordan once said, “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” This quote perfectly encapsulates our journey. It wasn’t just about individual talent; it was about the collective effort of a team that trusted and supported each other.

About the Writer

Andrean S., VP of Product & Engineering at Catalyst.

About Company

Catalyst is the holding company of two successful eCommerce: jamtangan.com and voilà.id. Our Vision is to be the no.1 e-commerce company in Indonesia by understanding our customers’ needs, and continuously innovate on their behalf to construct the best e-commerce website and application in Indonesia. We believe in Catalyst’s greatest asset: Our fundamentally strong and loyal team. We work to win.

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Catalyst Product & Engineering

Catalyst is the holding company of two successful eCommerce: Jamtangan.com and Voilà.id. Our Vision is to be the no.1 e-commerce company in Indonesia.