Chris Tottman
2 min readApr 22, 2018


I’ve got Linky kids. I smile when they spend most of the time not using anything for the purpose it was designed — stands on tables, slides down stairs, climb up wardrobes etc. I’m a tough love Dad ( ask Daisy) and so they know my boundaries & they will find theirs but they need a wilderness not a zoo. Room to roam and fck up. Confining kids in mirco management rules vs let them be a kids without being too wild — I vote for the later.

So for me LinkyBrains is a gift, expect them to do below average at a normal school (based on formal measures) but great as an adult, imagine how shit school will be for them if you dont encourage focus on the things they love (mine was sport) and allow them to fail in lots of other places and learn — passions are critical to Linky kids development. We just moved 100 miles to be at the right school. So far so good. What measures success for your Linky kids at school?

I have very little to show from formal edcuation and have managed to break out of my #statisticaldestiny but when I think of my childhood my memory its not how shit school was ( I loved it) but what an amazing childhood I had full of experiences & freedom to follow my passions fully. So when childhood ends and adultuhood takes over — thats my goal. Amazing Experiences & over dosed on life long passions — every parent can deliver on that.

I hope my experince will help people helps kids (I know its a complex area not given justice by my comment).



Chris Tottman

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