LinkyBrains Dinner 1.0

Chris Tottman
1 min readApr 30, 2018


The first #LinkyBrains Dinner is on the 1st of May 2018 in London

As promised we have a diverse group of 50:50 Male:Female Leaders. This attendance gives us the start of a good platform to talk about:

  1. The mission and what it means to us all which can be seen here & the challenges we’ve needed to over come so far.

2. What everyone wants from the movement, what they want to create and the things they want to lead. Please comment so we can capture peoples thoughts

3. Lots of Q&A, Networking and Fun. New people and renewing old acquaintances & relationships

No 2 is critical IMHO as nothing is created or scaled without diverse people getting busy working on shared passions!

One of my biggest challenges is how does 50:50 Scale? New #? This 50:50 is not Invites, not speakers but ATTENDANCE! Something important that becomes the norm everywhere.

I’m looking forward to the dinner greatly 4 becomes 16, 16 becomes 64 or 256, 64 becomes 256 or 256 becomes 65,536

Does #LinkyBrains have enough gravity do the Linky Leaders have enough gravity do neither have enough gravity. Well we’re going to find out real soon!

LinkyBrains Dinner 2.0 will be in the Summer 18….Then City by City maybe. Who knows…



Chris Tottman

Invest via / Founder of / Focused on building highly scalable platforms FOR GOOD