CUBE (AUTO) is Now Available for Trading on HitBTC

Cube Intelligence io
2 min readMar 13, 2018


London, UK (March 13th 2018) — We are proud to announce that CUBE (AUTO) is now available for trading on HitBTC, one of the leading global cryptocurrency exchange. HitBTC, the most advanced cryptocurrency exchange with more than $290 Million trading volume on average, is operated by HIT Solution Ltd and based in Hong-Kong.

The official trading pair at the time of listing is:


With the HitBTC listing, Cube expects a wide group of people in the global cryptocurrency market to have access to the Cube’s AUTO coin, and hope that more people will be interested in Cube’s project on this occasion.

About CUBE

CUBE Intelligence is a company looking to be at the forefront of making autonomous vehicles secure using blockchain technology. Autonomous vehicle tech is improving at a fast pace thanks to so many players in Silicon Valley vying for pole position in what is likely to be an extremely lucrative business. Safety, in terms of the vehicle’s ability to get from point A to point B without crashing into each other or other obstacles is one of the biggest concerns for most, and a lot of work is being done to sway public opinion further and further in favour of a driverless future.

The next logical step will be in ensuring that the public feel secure. Self-driving vehicles will be communicating with each other and centralized hubs as well as potentially connecting to users’ phones and other electronic devices for a personalized experience. With all this data being shared, malicious attacks are not only a threat, but a likely scenario. A number of controlled tests have shown just how easy it is for a hacker to gain control of a vehicle’s control functions, something which could have fatal consequences.

The threats aren’t just of the passengers’ physical safety, but on their privacy as well. There will be attempts to steal GPS data or insert a virus into a remotely applied software updates, which can lead to harm for the manufacturers, as well.

CUBE is using blockchain to develop a software platform which will ensure that these security threats are nullified. Their OTA (Over The Air Market) technology, set for a Version 1.0 release this year, is the first step towards making this a reality. The OTA software, based on blockchain, will allow cars to be remotely monitored, diagnosed and updated securely. Following that, CUBE plans to integrate an Artificial Intelligence layer to ensure that this technology can learn and adapt to the ever changing threats that hackers pose.

Being involved in so many new and exciting technologies, it is no wonder CUBE has experience early success and has captured the imagination of so many.

