Why Does the Caged Bird Sing?

Al. J
2 min readAug 29, 2020


The Caged Bird

The caged bird sings because it is what it is. Life is ceaselessly driven forward by the simple force of survival. We must live, therefore we do everything within our power to survive and thrive in this world.

Since life is ceaselessly driven forward, we must do everything within our power to ensure that this force of survival continues on.

Any animal that ceases to move forward toward its goal of survival will cease to live. Animals must continue on, since there is no other option.

When an animal is caged, it cannot move forward toward its goal of survival. The force of life will cease to push the animal into action unless something changes.

There are two options: one, the animal can change its situation to allow it to move forward toward its goal of survival, or two, the animal can accept that it cannot continue on and no longer live. Either way there is a choice.

The caged bird chooses to change its situation and live. The free bird can sing, but the caged bird must sing if it wishes to survive.

We are born as caged birds, but we can spread our wings and fly if we so choose. Neither wind nor rain will stop us from flying when the time comes.

If we do not, then we will forever be imprisoned by the bars of our cages.

All humans carry the bird inside them, and all must choose whether to fly or not.

The sun shines warmly on the caged bird, and it sings. The rain patters down upon its cage; then the bird sings.

The bird sings to the sun, and it is warmed by its rays. The bird sings to the rain, and cleansed by it.



Al. J

I wish to bring words to invisible things I have glimpsed in my imagination regarding things happening on Earth.