2 min readNov 27, 2015

Online Advertising For Local Businesses

Online advertising or marketing is a method of bringing your site in front of consumers who are interested in the services or products you are offering. There are numerous forms and ways on how online advertising to which the site gets on the internet by just itself in forms of banner advertising, contextual ads, social networking ads, classified ads, pop-up ads, email marketing, business directory listing and the list goes on.

It’s preferred by business experts to integrate multiple forms of media while they are in the practice of advertising their online business. For further readings, get more info from our site.

Search engine advertising is just one form of online advertisement that is showing results based on the phrases or keywords entered by the web surfers. Three of the major search engines of today are Google, Bing and Yahoo, which work onto the supply and demand concept. The prospect users or buyers are entering keywords and the result will come up on SERPS or Search Engine Results Page.

The contextual advertising on the other hand is a content targeted ads that is appears on websites in context to your service or product. This form of technology for online advertising works perfectly when posting your ad on the affiliate web pages that are related closely to your target keywords. This form of online advertising may bring less profits than search advertising that’s mostly based on business directory listings of finding local businesses and user intent of keyword search.

There are several methods of buying an advertising space online with and some of these are:

Number 1. Pay per Click or Cost per Click

This is a form of paid advertisement to which the payment is based on the number of click. The cost per click is completely different from cost per visit where each link that’s click is paid, whether the users go to the target site or not. The campaign manager could set a fixed or bid amount for every click but the downfall of this is the click frauds, which can make you to lose so much cash.

Number 2. Cost per thousand Impressions

Websites that have high traffic often use this approach. The cost per thousand impression rate is multiplied by the cost per thousand units which gives you total expense. If you have a million impression and the cost is around 10 dollars per a thousand impression, then the cost is going to be 10,000 dollars.

Number 3. Cost per Action

This is based primarily on the performance of the online advertising campaign. The publishers are taking the risk of running the ad however, the advertisers are only paying for the complete transaction similar to checkout or sign up. Get further details at