4 min readMay 16, 2022


It has been 3 years since “The Hour of Kubernetes”, was established, an educational and evangelizing format that explains the importance of “Kubernetes” and the open-source technologies that complement it. This project has been growing week after week thanks to the community, which is the very reason why Cuemby will cover this topic at the big event of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2022.

This event will take place in beautiful Valencia, Spain, from May 16th to the 20th of 2022. The world of Technology will once again gather in the long-awaited KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2022, an event made by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), where the main characters of cloud-native communities of open source join efforts to promote their knowledge and celebrates their advancements. It will be held with the participation of the most relevant companies in the technology sector. Within this group of companies, stands out as one of our main supporters, Equinix Metal, a North American company dedicated to digital infrastructure around the world, and that prioritizes the importance of cloud computing in all the industries it covers. Equinix through his mentoring invited Cuemby’s CEO to participate in their virtual booth, where he will speak about “The Hispanic Foundation of Cloud Native” a project that highlights the collaborative and practical work of K8s and Cloud-Native technologies in the Spanish-speaking community.

In April 2020 Cuemby first launched La hora de Kubernetes,” the idea that had been brewing in the head of Angel Ramirez, CEO of Cuemby for quite some time.” The lack of content related to K8s in Spanish led Cuemby’s CEO to create a community on the Meetup platform, with a focus on Cloud-Native and Kubernetes in the city of Medellín, Colombia, which transformed into a virtual space where the community of engineers and technologists gather and bring innovations. To date, it has more than 1000 members and its membership has been growing week by week.

“La Hora de Kubernetes” has a clear purpose: to educate about the advantages of K8s, uses, and implementations. This technology allows the development of faster software at a lower cost than traditional infrastructures, and because of this its mission, The group’s goal is to empower the Hispanic community with knowledge of cloud-native technologies, and to nurture new and existing technologies, innovation and experts in Latin America and Spain. To date “La Hora de Kubernetes” has completed 95 chapters, with the strong support of “The Hispanic Foundation of Cloud Native” and its collaborators of the Cloud-Native Community of Guatemala, El Salvador, and Colombia.

“Creating a community is one of the key objectives for the promotion of free and collaborative projects, in addition to being an incubator of good ideas” states Cesar Durango, an organizer, and co-founder of the FHCN Hispanic Foundation of Cloud Native. The project had more than 20,000 views on YouTube in 2021 and its community on Meetup has grown to over 1050 members.

On May 18th, Angel Ramírez will present at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2022 this interesting success story. He believes this community will grow and contribute to making Kubernetes more accessible for developers and enthusiasts in the Hispanic community. We will continue to empower the members of the community by offering free workshops and training in Spanish. Finally, we will present “CCP (Cuemby Cloud Platform)” with a practical example of how Kubernetes has helped the construction of the platform and how it positively impacts the ecosystems and software-enabled organizations.

We look forward to meeting with you at the event. You can register at this link:

Or follow us on our YouTube and LinkedIn for more information about the “LHK” and “Kubernetes”




Cuemby is a technology specialist helping businesses build sustainable ecosystems based on native cloud technologies.