CU Boulder Information Science @ CSCW 2024
The ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW) is taking place in San José, Costa Rica, on November 9–13, 2024. Papers presented at this conference are published in the journal Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, and this is a major publication venue for many faculty and students in the Information Science department at University of Colorado Boulder.
The general scope of CSCW is the “design and use of technologies that affect groups, organizations, communities, and networks.” The research published as part of this year’s conference covers multiple aspects of social media, data, and human experiences. Thanks to our university’s open access deal with ACM, all of the papers linked below are available for anyone to read!
Eric P. S. Baumer, Alex S. Taylor, Jed R. Brubaker [INFO faculty], and Micki McGee. 2024. Algorithmic Subjectivities. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 31, 3, Article 35 (June 2024), 34 pages.
Michael Ann DeVito, Jessica L. Feuston, Erika Melder, Christen Malloy, Cade Ponder, and Jed R. Brubaker [INFO faculty]. 2024. Safety and Community Context: Exploring a Transfeminist Approach to Sapphic Relationship Platforms. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 8, CSCW1, Article 203 (April 2024), 34 pages.
Dipto Das [INFO PhD alum/instructor], Dhwani Gandhi, and Bryan Semaan [INFO faculty]. 2024. Reimagining Communities through Transnational Bengali Decolonial Discourse with YouTube Content Creators. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 8, CSCW2, Article 361 (November 2024), 36 pages.
Dylan Thomas Doyle [INFO PhD candidate], Charlie Blue R. Brahm, and Jed R. Brubaker [INFO faculty]. 2024. “I hate you. I love you. I’m sorry. I miss you.” Understanding Online Grief Expression Through Suicide Bereavement Letter-Writing Practices. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 8, CSCW1, Article 69 (April 2024), 27 pages.
Dylan Thomas Doyle [INFO PhD candidate], Casey Fiesler [INFO faculty], Jessica Pater, and Jed R. Brubaker [INFO faculty]. 2024. Designing for Researcher Access in the U.S. Mortality Data Ecosystem. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 8, CSCW2, Article 493.
Anthony T. Pinter [INFO PhD alum/ATLAS faculty] and Jed R. Brubaker [INFO faculty]. 2024. I’m Working on Erasing You, Just Don’t Have the Proper Tools: Supporting Online Identity Management After the End of Romantic Relationships. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 8, CSCW1, Article 66.
Gale H. Prinster, C. Estelle Smith, Chenhao Tan, and Brian C. Keegan [INFO faculty]. 2024. Community Archetypes: An Empirical Framework for Guiding Research Methodologies to Reflect User Experiences of Sense of Virtual Community on Reddit. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 8, CSCW1, Article 33.
Mohammad Rashidujjaman Rifat, Dipto Das [INFO PhD alum/instructor], Arpon Poddar, Mahiratul Jannat, Robert Soden, Bryan Semaan [INFO faculty], and Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed. 2024. The Politics of Fear and the Experience of Bangladeshi Religious Minority Communities Using Social Media Platforms. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 8, CSCW2, Article 387.
C. Estelle Smith, Shamika Klassen [INFO PhD alum], Gale H. Prinster, Chenhao Tan, and Brian C. Keegan [INFO faculty]. 2024. Governance of the Black Experience on Reddit: r/BlackPeopleTwitter as a Case Study in Supporting Sense of Virtual Community for Black Users. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 8, CSCW2, Article 381.
In addition to the above papers being published and presented, the following events (e.g., workshops and panels) involve INFO faculty and students.
Jed R. Brubaker [INFO faculty], Casey Fiesler [INFO faculty], Michael Madaio, John Tang, Richmond Wong. Generative AI Going Awry: Enabling Designers to Proactively Avoid It in CSCW Applications. PANEL.
Jane Hsieh, Angie Zhang, Seyun Kim, Varun Nagaraj Rao, Samantha Dalal [INFO PhD candidate], Alexandra Mateescu, Rafael Nascimento Grohmann, Motahhare Eslami, Min Kyung Lee, Haiyi Zhu. Worker Data Collectives as a means to Improve Accountability, Combat Surveillance and Reduce Inequalities. WORKSHOP.
Sanjay R. Kairam, Michael S. Bernstein, Amy Bruckman, Stevie Chancellor, Eshwar Chandrasekharan, Munmun De Choudhury, Casey Fiesler [INFO faculty], Hanlin Li, Nicholas Proferes, Manoel Horta Ribeiro, C. Estelle Smith, Galen Weld. Community-Driven Models for Supporting Research on Social Platforms. SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP.
Louisa Kayah Williams, Rayan Awad Alim, Reem Talhouk, Marisol Wong-Villacres, Lynn Kirabo Hixon, Carleen Maitland, Tajanae Harris [INFO PhD student], Vishal Sharma, Dipto Das [INFO PhD alum/instructor], Bryan Semaan [INFO faculty], Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed, Robert Soden. HCI, Mobility Justice, and Migration in the Face of Climate Crisis. WORKSHOP.
For anyone attending the conference, the schedule is available here, for when all of the above will be happening!