A Touch of Laughter

Cult Agentz
2 min readNov 6, 2017

A Touch of Laughter is project created with the intent to bring joy and positivity to people’s lives. We live in a pretty corrupt world where millions of people focus on the negatives of each day. It is important to find joy in each day. This project is a tangible reminder to find happiness, even in today’s messed up world. I placed these jars on paths so hikers could see them on their walks and hopefully bring a smile to their faces.

Reading a joke

I also placed a jar at a playground because children often know how to be silly and find the joys even in the darkest times. Children often know how to recover from difficult times because they have an eagerness to forgive and let go, something I am still learning to do.

Reaching for the Jar

Another reason why I chose to place this jar on a playground is because I find joy in accepting the inner child within me. I strongly believe that people need to find ways to have fun, especially during stressful and chaotic times. Children are so full of laughter and joy, and I continually strive to incorporate that aspect of childhood into my life.

A Touch of Laughter: Visual Representations

In the project A Touch of Laughter I used mason jars so people could see through the jars. I used two different sizes because it is important to give variety. I hand-wrote all the jokes because I felt it would be more genuine that way. Each joke was rolled up and neatly tied with a red ribbon. I used red ribbon because it is a striking color and gives contrast to the white paper. And lastly, I used hemp string to connect the jar to the place I decided to tie the jar to.

