The Pulse of Organisational Health: Addressing Workplace Issues and Shaping Culture

Culture Enabler
2 min readApr 1, 2024


Within the diverse landscape of today’s workplaces, a silent but profound drama unfolds daily — a play of power, ethics, and human dynamics. At the heart of this drama lies a critical indicator of organisational health: how workplace issues are handled. The handling of workplace issues emerges as a revealing thread, one that weaves the fabric of workplace culture. The frequency with which these issues are addressed versus being swept under the carpet serves as a litmus test for the integrity and resilience of an organisation’s culture. It is a mirror reflecting its values, its priorities, and its very soul.

At the heart of this evaluation lies the fundamental question: What does it truly signify when workplace issues are left unaddressed or casually brushed aside? To begin, let us unravel the implications of turning a blind eye to such issues. When problems are neglected, they can quickly escalate into pervasive issues. What starts as a small conflict or concern can quickly escalate into a pervasive issue, affecting morale, productivity, and ultimately, the bottom line.

Moreover, the practice of sweeping problems under the carpet signals a deeper malaise — an organisational culture that shies away from transparency and accountability. It suggests a reluctance to confront uncomfortable truths, a preference for maintaining the status quo over fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Organisations that actively address workplace issues demonstrate a commitment to integrity and growth. They recognise that challenges are not roadblocks but opportunities for reflection and refinement. By encouraging open dialogue and constructive feedback, these organisations create a safe space for employees to voice their concerns and contribute to positive change.

The way in which issues are addressed speaks volumes about an organisation’s values and priorities. A culture that values its people will prioritise their wellbeing and strive to create a supportive and inclusive environment. In contrast, a culture that sweeps issues under the carpet may prioritise short-term gains over long-term sustainability, jeopardizing employee trust and loyalty.

In essence, the manner and frequency with which workplace issues are addressed not only reflect the underlying ethos of an organisation but also bear testament to its character. It is a reflection of its commitment to its people, its integrity, and its capacity for growth and adaptation.

As Frances Hesselbein aptly put it, ‘Culture does not change because we desire to change it. Culture changes when the organisation is transformed; the culture reflects the realities of people working together every day.’ This transformation begins with how we handle workplace issues and strive to cultivate a culture that values openness, honesty, and accountability.

Food for Thought:

As leaders and individuals, how do we plan to recognise the profound impact of our actions and strive to cultivate a culture that values openness, honesty, and accountability?



Culture Enabler

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