1 min readNov 18, 2015

Petty ‘ Petty ‘ & JeBe Hooked Really Tempe Mendoan

tempe mendoan

personnel duo JeBe & Petty admitted that her fondness for cuisine. Tempe mendoan is his favorite menu.

He says, although he was born as the son of mulatto. But Petty tend to be fond of Indonesia, namely dishes tempe mendoan .

“I really liked the tempe mendoan. Awful, “explains the singer gorgeous X Factor Indonesia its founders came to the Okezone HighEnd building, Jalan Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta.

He said, I was so indifferent with this dish, once in a while she tried to make it myself at home.

However, it turned out that he made no tempe according to expectations. And admit, make tempe mendoan turns out to be not as easy as imagined.

“Because I like really, I never make yourself at home. It turns out difficult Yes, tempe mendoan I created fail (fail — red), “pungkasnya.