Shâbach: Raising a Holy Roar in Praise of God

Cumulative Web Inc
2 min readDec 13, 2023


In the vibrant tapestry of Hebrew praise words, one stands out for its intensity and sheer volume: Shâbach. This word, appearing a mere eleven times in the Old Testament, carries a weight far greater than its frequency suggests. Shâbach is not a whisper of appreciation, but a thunderous roar of praise, a holy commotion that erupts from the depths of our being and ascends to the very heavens.

Shâbach” literally translates to “to address in a loud tone, to shout, to commend, to glory, or to declare triumph.” It is a word imbued with both action and emotion, urging us to not simply acknowledge God’s greatness, but to proclaim it with fervor, with the full force of our voices and our hearts.

While the word itself is relatively rare, its impact is undeniable. When we encounter Shâbach in the scriptures, it always marks a moment of profound significance. Consider the triumphant cry of the Israelites after crossing the Red Sea: “They sang Moses’ song, saying: ‘I will sing to the Lord, for he is highly exalted; the horse and his rider he has hurled into the sea.’” (Exodus 15:1) Here, Shâbach erupts as a spontaneous expression of awe and gratitude, echoing through the wilderness as a testament to God’s mighty deliverance.

The power of Shâbach lies not only in its volume, but also in its intention. It is a call to direct our gaze towards God, to acknowledge His sovereignty and power, and to celebrate His glorious acts. It is a word that transcends mere human praise, becoming a sacred offering, a sacrifice of the heart.

The Hebrew definition of Shâbach, with its emphasis on “raising a holy roar,” further amplifies the meaning. It evokes an image of people coming together, united in their voices, their bodies swaying in rhythm, their hearts overflowing with adoration. In this collective outpouring of praise, humanity joins the celestial chorus, affirming God’s rightful place as the center of all existence.

The impact of Shâbach extends far beyond the moment of its utterance. It serves as a reminder that praise is not a passive activity, but a dynamic engagement with the divine. It is a call to action, urging us to actively participate in the ongoing dialogue between heaven and earth.

In a world often filled with noise and distraction, Shâbach invites us to pause, to quiet our internal chatter, and to tune in to the frequency of divine love. It is a reminder that even in the midst of our daily struggles, there is always reason to raise a holy roar, to celebrate the goodness and grace of God, and to find our own voices in the symphony of praise that echoes throughout eternity.



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