This isn’t me, but it’s how I’ve felt with men I’ve met online.

My Self Summary — Write a little about yourself. Just a paragraph will do.

Medium OK Cupid
4 min readMay 5, 2015

This is like asking someone you've just met at a party, ‘so what do you do?,’ exposing your commitment to the conversation. The anecdote is no longer just an errant idea hanging in the air, OH @ some party. The anecdote is now cemented to a person who does. It’s close to asking someone’s name but slightly less personal. Now you can describe them as a something; banker, c-level executive, rodeo clown.

I’m not sure a paragraph will do. I have seen men go far, far beyond a paragraph in their self-summaries, and I don’t want to seem lazy, so I’m gonna give you some options in both tone and brevity and you can pick whichever you feel sums me up. A choose your own human adventure. There is not one truth, there in not one paragraph. I can barely take you seriously, yet.

Something or Other

I don’t bike, I would never eat a mushroom — let alone one foraged in the woods by amateurs — and I really love Starbucks, so sometimes I feel like a weirdo in my age group. Or maybe my city. I have a lot of friends but like to spend a lot of time alone, which might make me a Millenial, I’m not sure. I like to be challenged but more in a mental way than a physical way, so you won’t see me entering any extreme triathalons with you. But I’m great at listening, and people tell me I know what I want, I’m not sure.

Medium OK

I’m not the best at anything, though I wouldn't admit it if I was. I work very hard, and sometimes I fuck up, but I try to be graceful about it, at least. I swear. I am caring. I care about a lot of my own personal interests, and I’d like to come to care about the interests of a wonderful man. I can be pretty intense and serious but I can also laugh at darkness, and I consider it a great quality. I’m not the best but I am medium OK.

Not Quite A Romantic Comedy

People on dating sites are always like, we’ll tell our kids we met through some normal way like at a shitty bar, but I think that’s bullshit. By the time we have kids who want to ask about how we met (if future-kids even give a shit about that sort of thing) everyone will meet online and it would be weirder to make up some phony firefly-lit gazebo story than to be honest. We met in the dark ages of the internet, when we had to use our best verbal abilities and selfie-skills to find a mate. I’m looking for someone prepared to answer this question honestly when it arises.

I Just Gotta Be Me

Sometimes, the world makes you wanna act like someone else, but I live by my motto, ‘I Just Gotta Be Me!’ That me, that big I, continues to grow and change as a lover and a thinker and a BE-er! I love to Be. I love Me. I totally didn’t always love me, but then I did a lot of therapy, and now I am pro-me. I can’t be you for you, even if I might be better at being you than you seem to be at first, and you for sure can’t be me because only I know how to Be Me in my own patent-pending sorta way. There is a brand. So You Do You and I will for sure be taking care of me and looking out closely for you too because part of being me is Deeply Caring about you, especially if you are The One.

But Really Tho

I’m a 30 year old lady with a heart of gold, a large collection of books I could show you, and all of my limbs. I have a good career and my life is full of opportunity, except in the Men Department. Flannery O’Conner was not fucking around. I like confident men who work hard and do not think of themselves as boys or treat women like children. I’m interested in a relationship that is beyond surface mutual interests and towards deep mutual goals. I have a lot of love to give to the right person. I want to be completed.

Well, that’s something. Take your pick.

Medium OK Cupid

Medium OK Cupid: There’s something between me and you.
A cross-platform writing experiment in the name of love.
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Medium OK Cupid

There’s something between me and you. A cross-platform writing experiment.