25 years on the Earth planet

3 min readJan 19, 2015

Here am I, standing on my next step of beautiful life. Am i happy? Definitely i am.

Time passing, everything changes. People, cities, countries. You change.

You are growing, becoming more perfect, assure and peacefully breath the future wind of changes.

At least i can imagine all my 25th years…

When i was 3 years old i remember how i was playing a doll and walking in the yard with grandma.

When i was 5 years old i was swimming in the sea by myself… Building castles from the sand i start realizing how beautiful creation is. Sun, the see, parent “come on, you need too eat something”, “don’t swim a lot, you have blue lips” (what means that you got cold), one day friends at the beach… the wind of fresh and broad…

When i was 7 i met my best friends and started to understand how this world works. Well, school it’s some kind of your first job…

Well i can count every my next year but prefer to make a list of summary of my best ever DO, DONE, DID for the first quarter of life.

I wanted to start from list … some point were — studied, learned something, graduated from university, moved to other city, fell in love, changed lifestyle. But that seemed to me like the other great story for telling in personal way.

Here i probably will tell you my very some things i discovered about myself.

  1. i’m open person
  2. i respect people (with habits, interest, with life vision or without it). i call it “they have their own style”
  3. i prefer to meet a friend then stay at home
  4. i like to stay at home, reading books or just chilling out
  5. i like to practice yoga at my own yoga mat
  6. i discovered that running makes me happier
  7. i’ve started learning italian and some day i’ll make it perfect
  8. i believe in that connection when you are thinking about someone… and next day that person calls you ☺
  9. i discovered that can live without eating meat
  10. i do believe in love
  11. i do believe that understanding will save the world
  12. i prefer to travel with hand luggage
  13. i still send postcards to my friends all over the world
  14. i’m making list and quote my friends
  15. on my every birthday i’m buying a book and go to cinema
  16. i think that you can be happy whenever you are
  17. at every moment of your life i’m sure that you are at the right place and time (truly)
  18. if i see that someone is trying to manipulate i’d better leave
  19. i think that every day must be positive (at least somewhere in this world somebody celebrates this day, so why don’t you want to?)
  20. i must say that i love music (old and new, classics and new contemporary styles)
  21. if somebody will ask in which city do i prefer to live, i’d say — the city next to the sea
  22. i stopped collect pins “Olympic bears” from 80th but if you find nice ones, please tell me ☺
  23. i’m drinking tea, coffee sometimes and don’t drink alcohol
  24. someday i’ll write a book
  25. i still think that i’m 23
  26. i like experiments but also know the thing i’ll certainly go back

p.s 2014 was really impressive year for me… My Birthday at the office with masquerade, broken nose, The Rolling Stones in Rome, Pisa, Odessa, Almaty, Kiev, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Krakow, Warsaw…

now it’s 2015… and we are beginning now…

