Game : Ryse — Son of Rome

Curate This Honest Reviews
3 min readJan 19, 2018

Let’s review : Ryse: Son of Rome

Jump back to Ancient Rome in the character of Marius, a roman commander, and carve your way thru hordes of enemies with fantastic execution style animations in this well rounded action packed game from Crytek


- The storyline is one of revenge and power, its immersive and well told, making for some awesome cinematic moments and it manages to connect with the player introducing not only the action but a storytelling that shows why a leader has hard choices to make, and what efforts must you partake in order to be a good or bad leader.
- You can at times control an actual platoon of Roman soldier, with their formations and attack. Which is a breath of fresh air in this game.
- Both soundtrack and voice work are superb, truly well made, connecting perfectly the voices to the characters making it a realistic aproach to them.
- The combat mode is well played, it’s an Arkham type combat, with attacking and deflecting at the exact moment, but you have an added bonus, you must think both offensive aswell defensive and striking in the right moment, and this is key here. Adds an dificulty to the game making it much more enjoyable. Also a huge and beautiful point to this game, is the Executions — An cinematic where you either strike with the sword or the shield, it performs a special move, and with the variable of the location where you are it turns into a great spectacle of limbs and blood. ( Example: striking someone near a hole, you have the option of simple killing them or SPARTA KICK him into the hole.
- With each successful strike you gain XP, and with it you can unlock more health more focus and more execution styles, which brings more life to the character and gives you control of where you want it to grow.
- Multiplayer is fun, either being it solo or survival, you fight hordes of enemies and try to complete objectives to win Gold and XP where you can increase in rank and “buy” with the gold booster packs to unlock special weapons and armor to customize the Ultimate Gladiator — With the added Easter Egg where you can put the NANO SUIT from the Crysis Franchise, which is pretty cool.


- Not historical accurate ( but its a game, so who cares)
- The graphics are beautiful but you at sometimes, depending on the amount of enemies present, can stagger a bit in the framerate, but its a variable depending on your machine.
- Be cautious with the camera angle, as sometimes its closes up on you when it shouldnt making you open to enemy attack! But its a matter of learning the correct positioning of one self!

Final Review

Ryse : Son of Rome is truly a beautiful game that delivers action drama and adventure in one setting prefered by history buffs, where you at times feel in an Gladiator type movie, where you execute your enemies in a spectacular form. I give it a 8.5 in my book of reviews, its well worth the money i paid for it. Plus all those hard to find achievements and goodies are an added bonus.

Have fun Guys and Girls, and for more please subscribe to Curate This — A Honest Review. And if this review helped you in any way please leave me a Thumbs up or Down, i would appreciate it immensely.

