Your Ears Won’t Stop Ringing?

Amber Matson
5 min readAug 29, 2015


If your ears won’t stop ringing, you have a condition known as tinnitus. Tinnitus is a condition that affects more than 50 million people worldwide. So, no, you are not alone in your suffering. While you are here I will give you some much needed information about tinnitus, its symptoms, it’s causes and the different kinds of tinnitus.

Oh yeah, there is more than one kind of tinnitus. But as you will learn, tinnitus is not as easily cured as you might think. This is because its causes are all over the map. So first we have to identify its causes, and then we can try to identify a possible solution. Some people have been able to do that, while some people have been able to just manage it. Whatever the case is, you have come to the right place to get the right information. Please read on for more…

Tinnitus Causes…

There is no one cause for tinnitus. As I told you earlier, its causes are all over the map. Some of the causes of tinnitus are:

1. Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) — This is one of the leading causes of tinnitus. It’s a side effect of living in an industrialized world. The constant noise from the construction crews, the fire engine sirens, the police sirens, the nightclub, the concert, the movie theater. The list goes on and on…

2. Medications — Certain medications that we take have been known to add tinnitus as a side effect. As a matter of fact, aspirin is one of them. Tinnitus is listed as just one of the side effects of this common household drug.

3. Ear Infections — Yes, adults can get ear infections. Not just any ear infections can cause tinnitus. The ear infection that can cause tinnitus is known as labyrinthitis, which is an inflammation of the inner ear. In addition to tinnitus, another side effect of having this type of ear infection is vertigo.

4. Atherosclerosis — In other words, a buildup of cholesterol. When your doctor told you to cut your cholesterol, he/she wasn’t lying. Not only can you build up cholesterol in the arteries around your heart, you can also build it up in other places on your body. (This will be explained in detail later…)

5. Head Injury — Any kind of head trauma has been known to cause tinnitus as a side effect.

Types of Tinnitus…

Just like there are different symptoms of tinnitus, there are different types of tinnitus. As a matter of fact, tinnitus itself is described as a symptom of whatever problem you’re having. And those symptoms vary from person to person.

Some people describe hearing a hissing sound. Some people describe a ringing noise. Still some people say that they are hearing sounds that are in tune with their heartbeat or pulse. Either way, ALL of the people describe the sound as coming from their ears. It all depends on the type of tinnitus that you have. The types of tinnitus are:

1. Objective Tinnitus — This type of tinnitus can be described as a clicking or crackling noise. Believe it or not, your physician can hear this type of tinnitus because it is usually associated with muscle spasms that are near the middle ear.

2. Pulsatile Tinnitus — Pulsatile tinnitus is part of objective tinnitus because your physician can hear it also. It is the type of tinnitus that I described earlier. The kind that beats in time with your heart or pulse. This is because of the rise in blood pressure in the arteries near your ear. Which in turn is because of atherosclerosis.

When your arteries thicken because of the build-up of cholesterol, it takes more pressure for the blood from your heart to run through them because of the smaller space in the artery walls. This in turn causes that humm or pulse sound near your ears. Take a look at the picture to your right. Do you see how big those arteries are that are running near your ear? If anything affected them, don’t you think that you would hear it?

3. Subjective Tinnitus — Subjective tinnitus is the type of tinnitus that make most peolpe think that they are crazy. You hear this ringing noise but you don’t hear anything else. You doctor can’t explain it, and neither can you.

There are many different causes but it is most likely caused by being exposed to loud noises for extended periods of time. As I described earlier, the loud concerts, nightclubs, hair dryers, hammer drills, sirens. All of these things can contribute to your subjective tinnitus.

Tinnitus Treatments…

There are many different treatments for tinnitus, and there are many different ways that you can go about getting treatment. If you can’t afford to have radiosurgery to fix the problem, (which many of us can’t…) you can check out some natural remedies to treat your tinnitus. When you check out the good folks at, you will have a wealth of information at your fingertips. In addition to natural remedies to treat tinnitus, you also have a forum-like atmosphere where real people have tried these remedies and they let you know if they have worked or not.

If that doesn’t work, you can head on over to tinnitus miracle system reviews. At the official website you will find techniques that have been proven to manage or even cure your tinnitus. Either way, you should be able to find a way to manage, and in some cases, even cure your tinnitus.

Like I told you earlier, there is no one cure for tinnitus, and every treatment will not work for everybody. The best thing that you can do for your tinnitus is what you are doing right now…getting information. The more information that you can have on a given subject, the better off you are. Having that information from Tinnitus Miracle eBook will give you the power you need to make an educated decision on your next move.



Amber Matson

Me being passionate writer, who loves to pen down his research, thoughts and the life experiences have joined medium to provide you a valuable content to read.