The Science Behind the LSD 25 Kit: How Marigold Extract Can Help Combat Lumpy Skin Disease

4 min readMay 18, 2023


LSD 25 Kit: Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) is a viral disease that causes significant economic losses to producers around the globe. The disease is caused by a poxvirus and is characterised by the formation of nodules on the skin, which can result in severe inflammation, fever, and even mortality.

Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD)

What is Bulging Skin Disorder?

The virus that causes lumpy skin disease in cattle is transmitted by insects such as mosquitoes, flies, and male parasites.

How can animals infected with irregular skin disease be diagnosed?

Disease manifestations range from mild to severe, with juvenile animals being more severely affected. Animals experience fever, despondency, anorexia, and wasting disease. The animals experience discharge from the eyes and sinuses, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, excessive salivation, a decline in milk production, and weight loss.

LSD 25 Kit These nodules may ultimately become necrotic with discharges and fibrotic with an ulcerated core. Nodules can also develop in the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, particularly in the abomasum (true stomach), trachea, and lungs, causing primary or secondary pneumonia. Lameness is caused by inflammation of the tendons and severe edoema of the ribcage and thighs.

This impairment may be permanent, resulting in severe tendon and joint injury from secondary bacterial infections. Teats and mammary glands may sustain irreversible injury due to secondary bacterial infections and mastitis. Abortion, intrauterine infection, and several months of anoestrum are prevalent. We observe temporary or permanent sterility in both bulls and heifers.

How can animals be protected from irregular skin disease?

Animals must be frequently inspected for indicators of disease, particularly skin lesions and disability. To prevent the spread of this disease, diseased animals must be isolated, and newly acquired animals must undergo quarantine before being introduced into the herd. Implementing vector control measures such as the use of mosquito nets to reduce animal exposure to vector-borne diseases such as LSD is extremely beneficial.

  • Homeonest Marigold+ LSD-25 Kit Marigold+Plus Antiseptic Spray and Homeonest V Drops №25
  • For enhancing immunity against LSD and other similar viral infections.

Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) in cattle is treated homeopathically with an oral medication for enhancing internal Immunity and Healing Spray for treating external lesions.

Two medications are included in the Homeonest Marigold + LSD-25 Kit: Homeonest V Drops №25 for oral administration and Marigold + plus Liquid Antiseptic Spray for External use on skin lesions.

Marigold+ LSD-25 Kit is a distinct homoeopathic formulation for the treatment of cattle with irregular skin disease. Similarly, our Marigold+ LSD-25 Kit is based on the homoeopathic principle “similia similibus curat” or “like cures like.” Therefore, formulations that induce disease-like symptoms in a healthy animal are used to create this marvel drug capable of treating irregular skin disease and its associated lesions. Throughout the years, a renowned Indian veterinarian consulted with numerous homoeopaths and conducted advanced field trials to develop this formulation. It has won the confidence of numerous field veterinarians and livestock farmers.

The Scientific Basis for the LSD 25 Kit

The LSD 25 Kit is a newly developed product created by scientists to combat LSD in cattle. The kit includes a solution of marigold extract used to treat LSD-affected cattle. The marigold extract is obtained through a straightforward extraction procedure, and its formulation is optimised to maximise its antiviral and immunomodulatory effects.

It has been demonstrated that lutein has potent antiviral effects against poxviruses, including the virus that produces LSD. Lutein inhibits the replication of the virus, thereby preventing its dissemination throughout the host’s body. In addition, lutein has been shown to have immunomodulatory properties, meaning that it can enhance the immune response of the host to the pathogen.

The Advantages of Utilising the LSD 25 Kit

The LSD 25 Kit has numerous advantages over conventional vaccination methods. First, the equipment is user-friendly and requires no special training. Farmers can administer the marigold extract solution to their cattle themselves, reducing the need for veterinary intervention.

Second, the kit is economical, as only a single dose is required to provide protection against LSD. This makes it suitable for use in regions with limited resources or where it is challenging to implement vaccination programmes.

Thirdly, it has been demonstrated that the LSD 25 Kit is highly effective against LSD in cattle. The marigold extract solution has been shown to substantially reduce the severity of LSD symptoms, including the formation of skin nodules and fever. In addition, the kit has been demonstrated to be safe for use on cattle, with no reported adverse effects.


The LSD 25 Kit is a promising new method for combating LSD in cattle using natural ingredients. The kit’s active ingredient, lutein, has potent antiviral and immunomodulatory properties, making it ideal for treating LSD-causing poxviruses. The LSD 25 Kit provides farmers with a valuable instrument to defend their livestock and livelihoods by providing a cost-effective, user-friendly solution to combat LSD.

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