Sources for Old Fears New Foes

Curing Crime:
8 min readAug 27, 2023


List of sources used for the Old Fears / New Foes Series

Writing history requires examining sources and using them to make sense about some events in the past. We have elsewhere argued that historians create forgeries of the past through the narratives they use to explain an event.

We decided to publish this article in an effort to be transparent about our work and the sources we used. We did not want to clutter the other articles in the series with this long list.

Primary Sources

Bagehot, W. (1916). Physics and Politics: Thoughts on the Application of the Principles of “Natural Selection” and “Inheritance” to Political Society. In Largent, M.A. (2004). ​Sourcebook on History of Evolution​: Revised Printing. The University of Puget Sound.

Chinese Exclusion Case. (1889). The Differences of Race Added to the Difficulties: The Chinese Exclusion Case, 130 U.S. 581, 1889. In Vile, J. R. (2016). ​American Immigration and Citizenship: A Documentary History.​ Rowman and Littlefield.

Coolidge, C. (1912). Inhabitants of the Right Kind, Distributed in the Right Place: Whose Country Is This? In Vile, J. R. (2016). ​American Immigration and Citizenship: A Documentary History.​ Rowman and Littlefield.

Conklin, E., & Radcliffe College. Library, former owner. (1929). ​Heredity and environment in the development of men​ (6th ed. rev. ed.). Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Davenport, C. (1911). Heredity in Relation to Eugenics. Originally by Henry Holt. In Witowski, J.A., J. R. Inglis. 2008. ​Davenport’s Dream: 21st Century Reflections on Heredity and Eugenics.​ Cold Spring Harbor Press.

Davenport, C. (1912). Questionnaire on the Sterilisation of Defectives- Eugenics Section of the American Breeders Association. ​American Philosophical Society,​ Dav, B D27, Ser 2,letters. The Eugenics Archive. ID: 534.

George, H. (1869). The Thing Edge of the Wedge: Henry George, The Chinese in California, New York Tribune, May 1, 1869. In Vile, J. R. (2016). ​American Immigration and Citizenship: A Documentary History.​ Rowman and Littlefield.

Goddard, H. (1917). Mental Tests and the Immigrant. ​The Journal of Delinquency: Vol. II (5). 1

Goddard, H. (1919). ​The Kallikak Family : A Study In The Heredity Of Feeblemindedness​. New York, NY: Macmillan Company.

Grant, M. (1916). The Passing of the Great Race. In Largent, M.A. (2004). ​Sourcebook on History of Evolution​: Revised Printing. University of Puget Sound.

Grant, M. (1924). ​The Racial Transformation of America.​ The North American Review, 219(820), 343–352.

Hall, P. F. (1919). IMMIGRATION RESTRICTION AND WORLD EUGENICS. ​The Journal of Heredity, 10(3), 125–127.​

Herskovits, M. (1925). Brains and the Immigrant. The Nation. Feb 11, 1925. ​American Philosophical Society,​ ERO, MSC77,Ser1,Box6. The Eugenics Archive. ID:386.

Jennings, H.S. (1923). Undesirable Aliens. In Largent, M.A. (2004). ​Sourcebook on History of Evolution:​ Revised Printing. University of Puget Sound.

Laughlin, H. H. (1920). Biological Aspects of Immigration. Harry H. Laughlin testimony before the House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. House of Representatives Sixty-Sixth Congress Second Session April 16–17. The Harry H. Laughlin Papers, Truman State University, papers, C-2–6,6. ID: 1113.

Laughlin, H. H. (1922). Analysis of America’s Modern Melting Pot,” Harry H. Laughlin testimony before the House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. n House of Representatives Sixty-Seventh Congress Third Session November 21, 1922 Serial 7-C Statement of Harry H. Laughlin [graphic] Washington Government Printing Office 1923. The Harry H. Laughlin Papers, Truman State University, papers, C-2–6,6. iD: 1123. The Eugenics Archive.

Laughlin, H. H. (1922b). The Senate is Still Nordic. The Harry H. Laughlin Papers, Truman State University, papers, D-4–2. ID: 1192. The Eugenics Archive.

Laughlin, H. H. (1924). “Europe as an emigrant-exporting continent,” Harry H. Laughlin testimony before the House Committee, including Immigration Restriction Act. The Harry H. Laughlin Papers, Truman State University, papers, C-2–6,6. ID: 1140.

Laughlin, H. H. (1926). Eugenical Sterilisation in America. In Largent, M.A. (2004). ​Sourcebook on History of Evolution​: Revised Printing. University of Puget Sound

Laughlin, H. H. (1927). Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, research study on immigratio. The Harry H. Laughlin Papers, Truman State University, papers, D-4–2n. iD: 1200. The Eugenics Archive.

Laughlin, H. H. (1929). Letter to Hon L Douglas. A needed amendment to census bill: 1929. The Harry H. Laughlin Papers, Truman State University, document, C-4–6. Doc ID: 1051.

Eugenics Archive.

Laughlin, H. H. (1932). “Crime and race descent,” 3rd International Eugenics Conference. The Harry H. Laughlin Papers, Truman State University, photograph, Blk Photo 1,54. ID 1072. Eugenics Archive.

Ozawa. (1922). Only a person of the caucasian race: Ozawa v United States, 260 U.S. 178, November 13, 1922. In Vile, J. R. (2016). ​American Immigration and Citizenship: A Documentary History.​ Rowman and Littlefield.

NYT. (1934). Relaxing Quotas for Exiles Fought. ​The New York Time​s. May 4, 1934, p. 7.

NYT. (1934b). Science and Immigration. ​The New York Times.​ August 12, 1934, p. 56.

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Mayo-Smith, R. (1888). Control of Immigration I. ​Political Science Quarterly. Vol. 3 (1), 46–77. Smith, R. M. (1888). Control of Immigration. I.​ Political Science Quarterly, 3(1), 46–77​. Wilson, W. (1917). A history of the American people. New York ; London: Harper & brothers.

Journal Articles

Allen. G.A. (2013). “Culling the Herd”: Eugenics and the Conservation movement in the United States 14900–1940. ​Journal of the History of Biology. 46:31–72​. DOI 10.1007/s10739–011–9317–1.

Allerfeldt, K. (2010). “And we Got Here First”: Albert Johnson, National Origins and Self Interest in the Immigration Debate of the 1920s. ​Journal of Contemporary History: Vol 45(1), 7–26.​ DOI: 10.1177/0022009409348019

Ngai, M. M. (1999). The Architecture of Race in American Immigration Law: A Reexamination of the Immigration Act of 1924. ​The Journal of American History.​

Scholarly Manuscripts

Bruinius, H. (2006). ​Better For All the World: The Secret History of Forced Sterilisation and America’s Quest for Racial Purity.​ Alfred Knopp Press.

Cinotto, S. (2013). ​The Italian American Table: Food, Family, and Community in New York City​. University of Illinois Press.

Coffey, M. K. (2006). The American Adonis: A Natural History of the Average American man 1921–32- in Currell, S., C. Cogdell. 2006​. Popular Eugenics: National Efficiency and American Mass Culture in the 1930s.​ Ohio University Press.

Cogdell, C. (2004). ​Eugenic Design: Streamlining America in the 1930s​. University of Pennsylvania Press.

Connelly, M. (2008). ​Fatal Misconception: The Struggle to Control World Population.​ Belknapp Harvard University Press.

Hinnershitz, S. (2016) Demanding an ‘adequate solution:’ the American Legion, the Immigration Act of 1924, and the politics of exclusion, ​Immigrants & Minorities, 34:1, 1–21,​ DOI: 10.1080/02619288.2015.1065737

Jackson, J.P., N. W. Weidman (ed. M. A. Largent). (2006). ​Race, Racism, and Science: Social Impact and Interaction.​ Rutgers University Press.

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Ladner, B. E. 2006. The Descent of Yoknapatawpha: Eugenics and the Origins of Faulkner’s World. Currell, S., C. Cogdell. 2006. ​Popular Eugenics: National Efficiency and American Mass Culture in the 1930s.​ Ohio University Press.

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Other Book​s
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Curing Crime:

Exploring the use of science & medicine to curtail crime in the 19th & 20th Century