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How much money is in circulation in the world?

It is the most desired and unevenly distributed on the planet. Money. Do you know how much of it is in circulation in the world? The #CuriosoInEnglish found this information! Check it.

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Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2013


At least US$ 58.9 trillion. This is the closest match currently available, calculated in 2009 by the American economist Mike Hewitt based on economic data from 90 countries, which represent 96% of GDP and 84% of the world population.

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Do the math is very complicated, because in addition to the economies fluctuate much, most countries protects the data. The numbers calculated by Hewitt respect to M3, a more comprehensive classification for the money rolling. There are five others, and the most basic, the M0, account only cash (notes and coins).

The Brazilian Central Bank does not disclose how much money circulates in Brazil, but it is known that our M0 is about 4% of GDP, which is R$ 4.143 trillion. Ie, we have approximately R$ 165 billion in cash circulating around.

Source: Mundo Estranho



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