75 Day Self improvement Journey

Curiosity in Life by Shubh!
3 min readMay 28, 2024


I started a challenge for self improvement on 26th APRIL’24. How did I went on starting this? Just a random thought while having bath, that there are approximately 75 Days and I will turn 20 (9th July). Now you know when to wish me and ask for a treat!

Exactly 75 days: April-5 ; May-31 ; June-30; July-9 => 5+31+30+9 => 75

till I have my birthday. I always had in my mind to improve my life and always thought to make my birthday the next Deadline. But to be honest I haven’t been disciplined enough in recent times. I am sure you also get across such hurdles and then aspire to improve your life. The real problem that I think stops me is the lack of action and accountability that I need to show. I know one should be enough for oneself to execute the changes one wants in their life. But to be very frank I haven’t been able to be the ideal one for myself. But something needs to be done and this time my thought is clear to start taking action and share my Journey with you all. This will help me complete the tasks I procrastinated once.

Where do I want to see myself at the end of this challenge:

I want myself to be in good shape and be more focused towards my work, the goal is to be more disciplined towards fixing my life. Learn new technologies and art which I will be updating you within the blogs to come :)

Apart from this, I want to make a good social presence on Twitter and writing platforms; specifically medium. From the monetary aspect I want to get clients through social media, I don’t have a figure in my mind as of now but it will surely kick in as I go further in this!

Things I will be focusing on:

  1. Building social presence: In the current scenario, you need to have a good presence on social media, which will be very fruitful to you in the days to come. Every other person is on social media and others I trying to make a cult that follows them. I’m just one of those who wants this to happen.
  2. Writing daily: In the past, I have struggled to write while blaming the time frames and not dedicating one for myself to write on different topics. So, I will try to cultivate this habit of writing daily. The thing that makes me feel I should do so is I do know different fields as I read blogs and binge-watch YouTube videos. I think it’s time I start documenting or sharing this. You will also find me talking on Twitter(X).
  3. Exercise and Good Diet: Currently, I am not in very good shape and feel weak because of the irregular eating habits I have been into. I will surely increase my protein intake which will help me build muscle. While I am not thinking of going to the Gym, I will train from home. This might sound hard but it isn’t :) CHECK YOUR PROTEIN NEEDS
  4. Practice my hobbies: I have a craze to learn new stuff and do feel passionate about writing stories and songs. While I am not very much skilled in these. I would make sure I take the time to get better every day.
  5. Building my agency: Yes, my friends and I have started an agency that helps businesses scale their online presence. At present, we have a small team but we are making sure we recruit more as we get more clients on the way. I am not sure if I will update you regarding my agency here, you can follow me on X if you would like to:https://x.com/shubh_vorxnate



Curiosity in Life by Shubh!

Thank you for scrolling at the right place. I write about unique experiences and learnings of life. I would love to see you here:https://x.com/shubh_vorxnate