Day 4/100: It is important to get setbacks in Life!

Curiosity in Life by Shubh!
2 min readJun 14, 2024


Two of my friends and I were going to start working on a project planned to begin in May but things have turned out a little different as the project is going to begin from a week from now. We are excited and pumped up but we were in a different boat altogether!

We were very much pumped up for this project as it differed from our past projects we contributed on. This led to a setback of being unable to start with the project on the previously stipulated time. Hitting more into it was my low grades in this semester examinations. As this time, I was less focused on my examinations as my friends and I were trying to build our own agency. Well we have been working quite a bit on this and we have started getting good clients.

Googled this but it is trueeeeee!

We were also a bit worried if we get ghosted by this new client which was going to be our GAMECHANGER as he has a lot of connections and good network of people. We wanted to fully capitalize on that. To be completely frank we were a bit anxious for the same.

This was our time to realize that setbacks are helpful. It helps you in navigating your life. It helps you in taking the practical steps in life. Working on What one could and what one should!

Me and my team have a different mindset now as we have seen a lot of these things happening in our daily lives. We believe you will find the clients that are a healthy fit for you. It might take you time, efforts and discipline but going after it will make it happen.

Believe yourself and keep going!- our take away

While we were working for our agency remotely. We are now coming at the same place to create a better impact helping us with more growth opportunities. Infact one of my friends is arriving at my place tomorrow. Followed by the other in a day!

The one who is reaching tomorrow!!

We have a very interesting story on how we met and started with VORXNATE- what we spend most of our times with now. More on this in later blogs !!

Follow Curiosity in Life by Shubh! for further news about our agency.

See you with a smile!



Curiosity in Life by Shubh!

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