How to decide What to read?

Curiosity in Life by Shubh!
3 min readJun 6, 2024


You should not read what the world advises you to read rather start reading what your heart and brain want. Got me? I want you to analyze and introspect your life and see what genres you might be interested in, what can improve your knowledge, and what can improve your life. Stick around, I will tell you how I do it.

There are thousands of books for you to read but deciding where to spend time should be a priority. So, look around and write what you like to do daily, find difficulties in, or learn about.


At the start, I read different books without asking all the questions which I talked about earlier. Rather, I asked people about the books they got their hands on, I searched online framing a different question every time and it resulted in a different answer. The world has a lot of BOOKS to offer, start with what you need!

5 Underrated suggestions that will help YOU:

  1. You don’t have to complete all the books you start reading. We often think of finishing the book we recently started with and ignore the others on the shelf. We have a thought telling us to complete the ongoing book first and then switch to a new one. Well, this is a practice I used to have at the start. I have a new habit now. I read books to learn; learning could be even better if we focus on new ideas. This could be easily done when we don’t restrict ourselves to completing a book and reading what we have on our shelf.
  2. Write what you learned. If you love reading self-help books, this advice is for you. We often tend to read many self-help books and forget about what they are about; we even fail to implement the same in our lives. The best way to make use of self-help books is to IMPLEMENT. The first part that will bring it closer to implementation is when you start writing about the learnings and aligning them according to your lives.
  3. Read from the classics. Naval Ravikant has talked about this advice in the book “THE ALMANACK OF NAVAL RAVIKANT”.

Quoting a sentence from the book:

“Don’t read the current interpretation someone is feeding you about how things should be done and run.”

“If you start with the originals as your foundations, then have enough of a worldview and understanding that you won’t fear any book. Then you can just learn.”

4. Read books again and again to understand it better. You understand the book better when you read it again. It is because we go through different instances in our life. Thereby understanding the book through a different perspective every time getting to know more about the Author’s message and later implementing it in our present.

5. Reading a book isn’t a race. Try to absorb the learnings it tries to convey to you. Try to implement it and make your life better. The goal should be to learn and not treat yourself in the dilemma of “I have read a total of X books”.

Fun Fact: If you read 1–2 hours daily you put yourself in 0.00001 percent of the population.

Hope to see you bring positive changes in life with the power of Reading Books. Books provide you with a world full of learnings, use it!

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Curiosity in Life by Shubh!

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