Jump to the Sharks

Do your own thing

Veronika Nagovitsina
2 min readNov 7, 2020
Image by @mutlutaner

Recently I was trying to identify my emotions. In October, I thought it was pre-birthday apathy. In November I’ve considered an option of FOMO (Fear of missing out). Today it was a sudden thought of fear.

Fear to choose another path. Fear to stop living by default. A society draws quite a nice picture. We don’t often question a connotation: higher education, a high-paying job, a good spouse, children, and retirement. It’s not like I’m a young oppositionist of all these things.

We lack flexibility, here is a real problem.

It’s a rare thing for Russian to have a gap year after high school graduation. I think if a gap year existed at the legislative level, we would have a more mindful society.

I’m a sophomore this year. I guess this matter is connected to my mental state. I’ve applied to university right after high school. I doubt that I really knew what I wanted. It was breaking through the shelter. I used to be a straight-A student during my first year, but something changed.

I don’t want it. That’s not for me.

And I let myself think bolder. What if I don’t get judged? What if there are no more “Ifs”? What if I live in a bubble. In a safe vacuum where I don’t have to apologize and ask for permission to experiment. What would I do?

I would write a book. I would run my team of indie game developers. I would learn coding and languages for fun, not cause I’m getting bachelor’s degree in linguistics.

My friends who couldn’t study at university right after high school think like they lose a year. I hope they could change their mind. It’s like a path of searching for a particular thing. Let’s say we need to find a TV remote. We look under the bed, on the table and finally, we’ve found it on the shelf. We can’t underestimate these actions, they lead us to the right path.

Same with your life.

Take the courage to live your, not your parents’ life.

“You have your own thing! There is a moment when you have to “jump to the sharks”. Just stop working for other people and work for yourself and that’s when it finally takes off” — Damon Dominique



Veronika Nagovitsina

Young, enthusiastic and curious. Russian student passionate about Chinese, emotional well-being and world diversity.