Setup AR in Unity for Android

Mohammed Abdullah
3 min readOct 31, 2023


Exporting to Android Platform:

Open Build Settings:


Switch to Android:

In case its not installed select:

And install the following:

Or if you wish to continue with existing Android SDK refer:

Install the ARCore Extensions package

Refer the following for easy installation

Initial Configuration

You might encounter the following errors while building the app.

Enable ARCoreLoader:

‘Project Settings > XR Plug-in Management’, switch to Android tab and check ‘ARCore’ as the Plug-in Provider.

ARCoreExtensions: Missing ARM64 architecture

It is required for Android 64-bit devices. See

Select IL2CPP in ‘Project Settings > Player > Other Settings > Scripting Backend’.

Select ARM64 in ‘Project Settings > Player > Other Settings > Target Architectures.’

Minimum SDK version

ARCore Required apps require a minimum SDK version of 24. Else you might get the following errors:

Therefore set API LEVEL ≥ 24

Disable Vulkan graphics API

Vulkan graphics API is not supported by ARCore.

Uncheck Auto Graphics API

Remove Vulkan

Disable Multithread Rendering:


