The Perfect Kiss

5 min readJun 25, 2024

As I transition from one meeting to the next I sometimes sit alone to have coffee. One of the things I love observing is people kissing, and it made me think about the perfect kiss — what constitutes to the ultimate, yummy, delicious kiss that just makes you shiver? We have all experienced it, and it’s wonderful to consider what the mouth is capable of. If you’re entering naughty territories at this point, hold on a moment! Kissing, for me, is the real deal after eye contact. Honestly, who doesn’t love a good smooch. Here is my attempt to dive into the smooching spectrum!

The Eager Kiss — Yes, the Niagara Falls type, where you feel your tonsils are under attack to the point you almost gag. Well, I prefer to gag on something else personally. These are the kisses where your eyes are wide open, desperately trying to wiggle out of that position to gasp for air. Your face is drawn close to his, lips sealed like a vault. You feel the pressure of your inner mouth lining pushing against your teeth. You think to yourself, “Hold on, Soldier, I am not ready!” It’s fierce and feels as if this person just needs to literally get it all out! I am thinkig could this be a Meta human supervillain “Parasite” who is about to suck the naughtiness out of me… “oh NO! you’re not taking that away from me!” You have two options: surrender or take on the battle of tonsils! Let the battle of tonsils begin!

The “rip my clothes off” Kiss — the pure intensity, the “I cannot wait to devour you kiss,” forget edging, you want it now. It’s the Hollywood romance multi-tasking strip-and-kiss as you go type of kiss. It is passionate, as if your mind has decided to tell you that you don’t have time As you enter the door, it feels like the starting gun of a 100m race has just been fired. “On your marks, get set, go!” That little voice in your head urges you to undress each other, kiss, and bless every corner of the room as you waltz around. Who will undress whom first? The rule: lips stay attached. He’s thinking, “Blimey, that bra is hard to remove!” and she’s thinking, “His buttons are hard to undo!” Sod let’s just rip it off! It’s multitasking mastery and requires skill — because you do it all at the same time! It’s an action that feels as if you’re “blessing a home” with a gift of intense naughtiness. May you stay kinky forever. This sort of kiss is primal, exhilarating and raw! You are wet before you started and he is rock hard. It’s a super-hot sweaty type of kiss, a collision of horniness. It’s pure raw passion. Nothing matters in that moment. I envision a bang as things are swept to the floor. One bang leading on to a bigger bang! What happens next I leave to your imagination.

The Sloppy Kiss– we’ve all experienced this one. It’s the type where you need to wear a bib. It’s a very giving type of kiss, perhaps too giving at times, because the full surface of the tongue is used. The kisser is on a mission to map every nook and cranny of your mouth with their lingual cartography. Providing you with maximum coverage, leaving no millimetre untouched. No space is left empty, and this is accompanied by intense hydration. It is so intense you can forget about any fancy Korean moisturising face mask because your facial treatment will cover areas from your cheeks to your chin. It’s really a 2 in 1 experience! only thing is remember to use your bib to wipe off that serum!

The Flicker Kiss — yes, the Butterfly flutters. It’s fast, and you’re not sure what to make of it. It’s as if a magic wand has been attached with a plastic tongue and set in full motion and force into your mouth. You to yourself it’s the wrong place. You pray and hope, saying to yourself, “Perhaps, darling… move to the other lips.” OMG the potential, just so much potential, if only you move down! The possibilities are endless they really are ! It’s the type of kiss that you know can provide an orgasmic future in other parts of your body. It’s as if you wish to see his eyes flicker in synchronisation with the speed of his tongue. It’s just the wrong location. Allow me to share the link to my body’s Google Map.

The Connection Kiss — It’s one that requires eye contact at the first encounter as he takes your hands, caresses the nape of your neck and draws you towards him. You are literally less than a centimetre away. You can feel his breath and he can feel yours. Your lips are dry, and as they gently touch, you use your tongue to lick them softly, a touch like a feather, preparing them for more. Imagine the sensation of a plush toy; your tongue is capable of that same gentle, sensual touch. As the lips lock, he holds her face, deepening their connection. Moving between a kiss and eye contact, Their breathing synchronises, creating a rhythm that’s uniquely theirs. My mind wandered to standing beneath the Eiffel Tower, its iron lattice stretching towards the heavens. I’m wearing a 1940s Christian Dior swing dress, its fabric swishing gently in the Parisian breeze. I’ve matched this with my Louboutins. Our lips meet in a kiss that is gentle yet passionate. The kiss is a delicate balance, soft and sweet, yet oozing with an undercurrent of fierce passion.The connection speaks volumes, expressing desire, affection and a bond that words alone could never capture. It’s one of those kisses where you stop and know you have connected. It’s a ‘welcome to my world’ kiss; these gates are open.

So what type of kiss have you experience, did I miss any? or might you have more?




Curious soul, is a place where express my opinions, thoughts, and feelings on subjects that make me wonder. What do you wonder?