A clever title with scantily clad humans and a numbered list -- for the likes, for the attention.Aug 23, 2021Aug 23, 2021
An open letter to the companies that will soon replace us all —No matter what role I choose this cycle,May 25, 2021May 25, 2021
Working for peanuts? No thanks. If ya wanna make a buck, flip that burger yourself.The problem isn’t laziness, it’s a matter of exploitability.May 12, 2021May 12, 2021
Expectations are premeditated disappointmentsThe problem isn’t life working out like it should.May 12, 2021May 12, 2021
Why calling someone a liberal or conservative doesn’t make sense.Updated terminologyFeb 27, 2021Feb 27, 2021
Your inner child is as wise as you’ll ever be.So treat yourself with acceptance.Feb 17, 2021Feb 17, 2021