What is Social Currency?

Britt ShaDé Simone
3 min readMay 1, 2019

A better way to build, maintain and grow your relationships

Networking by definition is the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts.

The purpose, when networking, is to exchange information in-person. You’re simply adding and building a network of contacts with little intention. It can be one-sided as in “what’s in it for me” rather than “ what’s in it for us”.

So, what is Social Currency?

Social Currency is building social networks to gain access, influence, resources and networking in the digital space that affects a person online and offline.

The focus of social currency is to use online platforms to build relationships that are mutually beneficial online and offline. Social media plays a big role in building, maintaining, and growing relationships.

How do I use Social Currency?

Well, first you have to E.M.U.! Yes like the cousin of the ostrich (I made that up, the emu is not the cousin of the ostrich, but they’re similar) you want to think of social currency as the digital cousin of networking. E.M.U. means Establish it. Maintain it. Use it.

Establish it: Be intentional about connecting with someone. Why do you want to connect with this person? How…



Britt ShaDé Simone

CEO & Founder of Currency Shift, LLC @currencyshiftnow www.currencyshiftnow.com