Alleviate Anxiety with CurseAtMe and Feel Better at Every Curse

3 min readNov 14, 2017


When you find something annoying and not in your favor, the angry reactions start following you soon. It happens so quickly you do not realize that there are other things also, which are more important than anger. It overshadows all other feelings and sensations. The clouds of anger often cover your thinking to the point where you stop considering consequences and left with guilty only at the end. People search for various ways to get rid of this bad habit that destroys every other thing.

You may find yourself lashing out at someone with anger; however, this may put you in a serious trouble. No one can listen to your angry words without any reason. You might want to make yourself free and light by spewing out your anger on someone, but this may be impossible. Therefore, CurseAtMe allows you to show your anger on someone who will listen to you patiently and would not complain about your abusive words. In fact, it will give you funny reactions and make you laugh and forget about the reason behind your anger or frustration.

CurseAtMe is an incredible app, available at the iOS app store. It lessens stress by captivating a lighthearted approach. Cursing through your microphone will invoke a reaction that acts as a stress-buster. It actually creates a chain of simultaneous reactions from both the sides of the machine and user. It transforms your reactions into an act of pleasure. You will start feeling better with every reaction. If you curse more, your stress will be alleviated completely.

CurseAtMe has user compatible features. One can easily install and use it. It enables you to share your curse images and gives you hilarious reactions in return. It is highly interactive and user interface in terms of reactions. This app is the best way to stand against the worst experience of life where you find yourself broken and sad. You can release your frustration or anger and it will act as a patient listener and a great companion.

Furthermore, it stimulates the light-minded approach towards the anger or stress. Regular usage of the app will help in transforming the attitude towards the stress booster circumstances.

If reading, listening, meditation, music, etc. have failed to control your anger then try this astonishing app to have a blissful experience of eliminating stress completely from your life. Install this easy to use app now and release your frustration on someone who would surely help you to cure stress. Experience such relaxing time with CurseAtMe and share this app with your dearest ones. Let them also make a strong hold over their anger management. Make your health better by feeling better with the funny reaction by such astonishing app.




CurseAtMe has been designed to help alleviate stress by taking a light hearted approach. Cursing though your microphone will invoke a reaction.