Shoot Emotions Hilariously and Happily with CurseAtMe

2 min readDec 8, 2017


Stress has become the unbearable form of perception for the people worldwide. Most interestingly, people who perceive stress have a different physical-stress-response than those who recognize stress as helpful. It results in the form of the negative and positive vibes with an increase in heart-rate and blood vessels constrict, which is one of the reasons chronic stress. It’s not healthy to have constricted blood vessels for extended periods of time.

To balance off the stress, gather the moments of life, rather than be stuffed by the constant self-criticism and anxiety that so often injuring our minds.

CurseAtMe is the blending solution to the differing solution need at the App store for the iOS devices. This is an astonished app to eliminate from stress and engage mindfulness, with a light and more straightforward approach. Every time you inverse the microphones in the ear, it will invest the voice with the class act in a chain of concurrent feedback. One can beat the curses of his/her life with the fun following by CurseAtMe.

Proliferation of Mobile Apps

One of the biggest perks of Proliferation of mobile apps is that everyone is trying to match its needs with robots that have forced it to reach the people hearts. When it comes to science, researchers have realized that apps offer access to substantial sample pools for testing research ideas and quick designing paths.

Same is with the CurseAtMe App, which includes user compatible features in handling and changing mindset. The App is quicker to install and comfortable to run with the bursting out your stress with the User interface reactions. The regular users of the App will get the relaxation from the other work including your personal and professional scenarios.

Features of CurseAtMe

• Easy to Access

Self-help can be our coolest asset, and luckily for app users, there are some great apps out there that can help you manage your stress and anxiety, like the CurseAtMe app.

• Easy to share the Image Options

The idea is to track your daily activities by writing or via audio. The app then helps you understand what actions might be triggering different moods in the form of images.

• Interactive User Interface

UI pave the way for planning and brainstorming, help in clear communication of ideas, solve technical solutions to build mind-blowing animations and even sort interactions with the developers.

The CurseAtMe App has been designed in the user-friendly way, where people can burst out their stress and anxiety to get the relaxation of the daily activities. It’s just like the companion as happy, as hilarious!




CurseAtMe has been designed to help alleviate stress by taking a light hearted approach. Cursing though your microphone will invoke a reaction.