Capital Cursive A to Z

Capital Cursive
6 min readJul 16, 2023


Here is the content for each uppercase cursive letter from A to Z:

Capital A Cursive

A: The Capital A Cursive starts with a diagonal line slanting downward from left to right. From the bottom of that line, draw a shorter diagonal line slanting upward and to the right, crossing the first line. Connect the endpoint of the second line to the starting point of the first line with a curved line.

Capital B Cursive

B: To write a Capital B Cursive begin with a small loop starting at the top. From there, draw a curved line downward, swinging it back up and creating a large loop. Then, continue the line downward, curling it back up to the right and ending with a small loop.

Capital Cursive C

C: The Capital Cursive C consists of a large, clockwise loop starting at the top and curving downward to the left. The loop stops slightly above the starting point, and the stroke continues with a small curved line to the right.

Cursive D

D: To write a Cursive D in UpperCase start with a small loop at the top, similar to the letter “B.” From there, draw a curved line downward and to the right, resembling a backward “C.” Finally, connect the bottom of the curved line to the starting point with a small straight line.

Capital E Cursive

E: The Capital E Cursive begins with a vertical line starting at the top and extending down to the baseline. From there, draw a small horizontal line to the right, parallel to the baseline. Then, move upward and slightly to the left, drawing a curved line that intersects the vertical line. Continue the line downward, curving slightly to the right and ending at the baseline.

Capital F Cursive

F: To write a Capital F Cursive start with a vertical line from the top down to the baseline, similar to the letter “E.” From there, draw a horizontal line to the right, parallel to the baseline. Finally, draw a smaller horizontal line at the top, slightly below the starting point, connecting to the vertical line.

Capital G Cursive

G: The Capital G Cursive begins with a large, clockwise loop, similar to the letter “C.” From the bottom of the loop, draw a small curved line to the right, ending at the baseline. Then, move upward and to the left, creating a small loop that intersects the first stroke.

Capital H Cursive

H: To write a Capital H Cursive , start with a vertical line from the top down to the baseline. From there, draw a small horizontal line to the right, parallel to the baseline. Return to the starting point and draw a second vertical line down to the baseline, parallel to the first line.

Capital I Cursive

I: The uppercase cursive I is similar to the printed form. It consists of a straight vertical line from the top down to the baseline.

Capital J Cursive

J: To write a cursive “J,” start with a small horizontal line from left to right, parallel to the baseline. From the right end of the line, draw a curved line downward and to the right, forming a hook shape that extends slightly below the baseline.

Capital K Cursive

K: The uppercase cursive “K” begins with a diagonal line slanting downward and to the right. From the bottom of that line, draw a shorter diagonal line slanting upward and to the right, crossing the first line. Finally, draw a small diagonal line from the crossing point to the baseline, forming a triangle.

Capital L Cursive

L: To write a cursive L, start with a vertical line from the top down to the baseline. Then, draw a horizontal line to the right, parallel to the baseline, starting slightly above the midpoint of the vertical line.

Capital M Cursive

M: The Capital M Cursive starts with a slanted line downward and to the right, similar to the letter “A.” From there, draw a second slanted line upward and to the right, crossing the first line. Return to the starting point and draw a third slanted line downward and to the right, parallel to the first line. Finally, draw a fourth slanted line upward and to the right, crossing the third line.

Capital N Cursive

N: To write a cursive N, start with a diagonal line slanting downward and to the right. From the bottom of that line, draw a shorter diagonal line slanting upward and to the right, crossing the first line.

Capital O Cursive

O: The uppercase cursive O is similar to the printed form. It consists of a large, clockwise loop starting at the top and curving downward and to the left, ending slightly above the starting point.

Capital P Cursive

P: To write capital P cursive start with a small loop at the top, similar to the letter “B” and “D.” From there, draw a curved line downward and to the right, resembling a backward “C.” Finally, draw a small horizontal line from the bottom of the curved line, parallel to the baseline.

Capital Q Cursive

Q: The uppercase cursive Q is similar to the letter “O” but with an added curved line. It begins with a large, clockwise loop starting at the top and curving downward and to the left, ending slightly above the starting point. From the bottom of the loop, draw a shorter curved line that extends to the right and slightly downward.

Capital R Cursive

R: To write cursive R, start with a small loop at the top, similar to the letter “B” and “D.” From there, draw a curved line downward and to the right, resembling a backward “C.” Finally, draw a diagonal line from the bottom of the curved line, slanting downward and to the right.

Capital S Cursive

S: The uppercase cursive S consists of two mirrored curves. Start at the top and draw a curved line downward and to the right, ending at the baseline. From there, draw a second curved line starting from the bottom and moving upward and to the left, mirroring the first curve.

Capital T Cursive

T: To write a cursive T start with a horizontal line from left to right, slightly above the baseline. Then, draw a vertical line downward from the middle of the horizontal line to the baseline.

Capital U Cursive

U: The uppercase cursive U is similar to the printed form. It consists of a vertical line starting at the top and extending down to the baseline. From there, draw a small curved line to the right, resembling a smile.

Capital V Cursive

V: To write a cursive V capital , start with a diagonal line slanting downward and to the right. From the bottom of that line, draw a second diagonal line slanting downward and to the left, crossing the first line.

Capital W Cursive

W: The uppercase cursive “W” is similar to the letter “V” but with an additional stroke. Start with a diagonal line slanting downward and to the right. From the bottom of that line, draw a second diagonal line slanting downward and to the left, crossing the first line. Return to the starting point and draw a third diagonal line slanting downward and to the right, parallel to the first line.

Capital X Cursive

X: To write a cursive X in Capital, start with a diagonal line slanting downward and to the right. From the bottom of that line, draw a second diagonal line slanting downward and to the left, crossing the first line.

Capital Y Cursive

Y: The uppercase cursive Y starts with a diagonal line slanting downward and to the right. From the bottom of that line, draw a second diagonal line slanting downward and to the left, crossing the first line. Finally, draw a small diagonal line from the crossing point to the baseline, forming a triangle.

Capital Z Cursive

Z: To write a cursive capital Z ,start with a horizontal line from left to right, slightly above the baseline. From the right end of the line, draw a diagonal line slanting upward and to the left, crossing the first line. Finally, draw a small horizontal line from the crossing point, parallel to the baseline.

Please note that these descriptions aim to provide a general understanding of how to write each uppercase cursive letter. It’s important to practice and experiment to develop your own unique style and find what feels most comfortable to you.



Capital Cursive

I love to write letters in cursvie, I learn from site . Thanks for the information.