1 min readDec 16, 2017


When people talk about Blockstream, Bilderberg or wanting small blocks to sell off-chain products, a common rebuttal is that this is “conspiracy theory”.

However, there is no accusaction of conspiracy. We are not claiming that Blockstream is conspiring with anyone.

Everything stated were facts or likely outcomes:


> Small blocks, high fees and slow confirmations create demand for off-chain solutions, such as Liquid.


> Blockstream sells Liquid to exchanges to move Bitcoin quickly on a side-chain.

Likely outcome:

> LN will create liquidity hubs, such as exchanges, which will generate traffic and fees for exchanges.


> With this, exchanges will have a higher need for Liquid.

Likely outcome:

> This will be the main way that Blockstream will generate revenue for its investors, who invested $76 million. Otherwise, they can go bankrupt and die.


> One of Blockstream’s investors/owners is AXA. AXA’s CEO and Chairman until 2016 was also the Chairman of Bilderberg Group.


> The Bilderberg Group is run by bankers and politicians (former prime ministers and nation leaders).


> According to GlobalResearch, Bilderberg Group wants “a One World Government (World Company) with a single, global marketplace…and financially regulated by one ‘World (Central) Bank’ using one global currency.”

Likely outcome:

> LN helps Bilderberg Group get one step closer to its goal.

No conspiracy.

Are Blockstream’s actions logical? Yes. Are they in the users’ best interest? No.

