Curtis Lee & Craig Martin (cofounders of Luxe)

The Future of Luxe

Curtis Lee
2 min readSep 8, 2017


Curtis Lee, CEO of Luxe & VP of Digital for Volvo Cars

Luxe’s assets have been acquired by Volvo Cars.

We started Luxe four years ago with the idea that owning a car shouldn’t be so difficult and focused our initial efforts around the worst of all problems for drivers — parking. Equipped with a smartphone and thousands of eager blue jacketed valets, we transformed how commuters parked every day. We reduced traffic from drivers who would have otherwise circled aimlessly looking for parking, we saved customers valuable time, and helped transform cities by reducing the dependency on having parking lots in central city locations by storing cars in the fringe. Thank you to all of our customers. Your love, passion and feedback became the fuel that inspired us to make Luxe more useful and delightful every day.

What’s next?

A few months ago, we were approached by Volvo about teaming up. Many employees at Volvo were avid Luxe customers and were impressed by what we built. And as we learned more about Volvo, it was clear they were one of the most progressive automotive companies we had met. Their recent bold commitment to be the first traditional automaker to only launch electric or hybrid new models starting in 2019, resonated strongly with our mission of transforming transportation. As we engaged in many conversations, it was clear there was also a shared vision on the future of automotive. A belief that we are on the precipice of a technological revolution where electrification, autonomous drive, connectivity and digital experiences among others will transform our lives like nothing we’ve ever seen.

Working at Volvo gives us scale, resources and access to a global company that is committed to the future. Moreover, Volvo is committed to allowing us to fulfill our vision. With the acquisition, Luxe will continue to operate as its own unit working on some of Volvo’s most meaningful initiatives in mobility and digital customer experiences. I look forward to continuing to lead the Luxe team at Volvo.

Lastly, I want to take the time to thank all of our great employees (past and present), including your families. Thank you for the late nights, weekends, blown vacations and other hardships we endured running a live operating business moving vehicles nonetheless. It definitely was not easy, but you made it all work through sheer grit and smarts and I’m forever grateful and honored to have worked alongside you.



Curtis Lee

Venture Partner @PrimaryVC, former CEO and cofounder @luxevalet