
ICO CustomCoin Platform
2 min readAug 15, 2018


The announcement of the start of the privatesale of ICO Customcoin Platform

The ICO CustomCoin Platform team solemnly announces the start of the privatesale that begins from August 16, 2018 and will continue till October 10, 2018. During this period the investors who have such a desire can buy CustomCoin (CC) tokens for a more profitable price than on the forthcoming presale. The mandatory condition is the volume of investments that should exceed the maximum limit on the presale. The upper bound of a purchased limit on presale is 50ETH that makes it possible to purchase tokens in the amount of 147 058,823 CC — this number is based on the price of the token with a 15% discount (the price of the CustomCoin (CC) token = 0.0004ETH. On the presale = 0.00034ETH) On the presale any offers above 50ETH are welcome

This will be rewarded with a lower price of the token in relation to Ethereum. Tokens CustomCoin (CC) can be purchased with a discount of 30%. The price of the token for the investors will be 0.00028 ETH. Hurry up to invest in the token which will subsequently bring you a significant profit! Be the first! Become successful people!

The ICO CustomCoin Platform team




ICO CustomCoin Platform

CustomCoin Platform will deal with crediting of small construction business in Switzerland.