Token For You

ICO CustomCoin Platform
2 min readAug 17, 2018


Hello dear friends!

Greetings from Swiss Luzern and the team ICO CustomCoin Platform. My name Daniel Stojkov, the founder of the project. By popular demand and even requests that we constantly receive from dear followers of our platform. With great pleasure we announce about a new opportunity for the most interested investors. For those who believe in the project and for those who want to make most out of their investments we give a unique opportunity. Hurry up to be the first ones, my friends! The CustomCoin Platform team solemnly announces the beginning of Privatesale! Hurry up to get a profitable lot in our Swiss construction company. The token for a builder! Friends, remember also that our coin is tied to a Swiss franc and all the crises shaking main cryptocurrencies up and down are not to affect the health of our pet-project! Our token can only grow up. Slowly but upward and upward in relation to a Swiss franc, as we fix your investments as fiat. And customers of our platform will buy out your coins from exchanges. Read our whitepaper, friends. This is not an advertising article, this is a guide to the action. We do not offer pears on the apple tree, we are a serious project, we are your mediators between cryptocurrency and a Swiss franc. I ask investors, who are interested in our profitable offer, to visit our official gmail, the link is

given below.

ICO CUstomCoin Platform

Daniel Stojkov was with you and the team of CustomCoin Platform



ICO CustomCoin Platform

CustomCoin Platform will deal with crediting of small construction business in Switzerland.