Are You Making Good Use Of Employee Recognition Awards?

2 min readApr 18, 2017


employee recognition awards

A lot of businesses include money in their budget for employee recognition awards. Most employers find that giving a small award to acknowledge the extra effort of their employees is a great way to increase morale and motivation. Awarding behaviors and efforts that exceed expectations throughout the year is a great way to boost morale and create the incentive among employees for a relatively low cost. Working in Edenred, the leading provider of employee recognition awards,Edenred provides business owners with the ability to acknowledge employees and expand brand recognition.

The representatives of Edenred work very closely with business owners to make sure that they receive the kind of items that will represent the company and show employees that they are valued. People who work with the representatives often find that they can expand their presence in the market very easily when they utilize the award system effectively.

When you are allocating funds for awards, it will be helpful to have an idea of the kind of awards that will be most effective for your employees and when the awards will be given. Some employers have quarterly award ceremonies for employees, while others choose to have ceremonies bi-annually and include dinners and entertainment as a prelude to the actual presentation of the awards.

The awards that are selected should fit the type of sentiment that you wish to convey. An individual may want to include trophies as awards for groups of employees in divisions or departments who have gone beyond the standard expectations and achieved group goals. Small individual trophies for individuals often accompany the larger trophy which may have the names of participants engraved on nameplates that can be changed when needed.

Large placards and trophies are often set in a centralized location where any individual entering the facility or office can see who has achieved the prize. This increases the motivation for your employees to excel in their daily tasks.

Finding the perfect employee recognition awards is easy when you utilize the knowledge and experience of the Edenred staff. They will be able to provide you many options within your budget that will meet your needs and requirements.

