Creating The Best Ambiance With Low-Voltage LED lighting

Custom Sound And Vision
3 min readAug 20, 2019


The Right Balance

At times, it becomes really difficult to find the perfect balance between sufficient lighting and one that appears peculiar. If you are looking for lighting that compliments your decor, outdoor settings, drive ways, and at the same time appears decent, just contact custom sound and vision. Here, you can not only benefit from our expertise in low-voltage LED lighting but you can also avail our services to set up a home network.

Some Cautions

Whatever ideas you have for illuminating your pool or water fountain with either spotlights or down lighting, just let us know. We’ll make sure that you are bedazzled every time you have a look at it. The project doesn’t need to be an over whelming one. As mentioned before, it is just about finding the right balance. You should know that eyes are mostly drawn to areas with the best amount of visual contrast. By this, we mean that your whole house doesn’t need to look like a Las Vegas casino. Highlighting everything will cause nothing to stand out and the whole idea will go down the drain.

Keep an Eye out!

There are various aspects which need to be kept in mind while going through with this idea. The location, area, objects, and the intensity. This simply means that you don’t need the same amount of lighting to light the room as the yard. Locations are different so must be the number of lights. At night, our eyes naturally adapt to the dark therefore just a little bit of light will give the most pleasing effect.

Your Favorite Spot

We all have certain spots at home which are our favorite intended for particular purposes like reading, relaxing, playing games or just contemplating. If you have such a spot outdoors, try placing a spot in the tree or in a pergola, position it to direct the light down, and voila! You have your own perfect spot.

Economical and Beautiful

In addition to all of this, these Led lights come with certain benefits. Being low voltage these consume low energy leading to low energy costs approximately 85 % less than your average halogen lights. Although installing these led lights might prove initially a bit expensive but in the long run, this decision will prove to be an economical one. Right now, the expected shelf life is thought to be 15 years, but as the technology is progressing it is expected that the average life time will increase to 35 years.

Make the Right Choice!

You must have heard the saying “Not all five fingers are equal”. In this context this simply means that every Low voltage Led will not have the same quality as that of lights from Custom sound and vision. You need to make the right choice when choosing from whom to get it installed. From motorized shades to security & surveillance, they have got it all. Take the first step towards the future, today! Get innovative automated solutions for residential or commercial purposes, right at your doorstep.



Custom Sound And Vision

Since 1988, Custom Sound & Vision has been a continuing leader in audio/video systems, home automation and integration.