Pre-Built JMeter Dashboard Exploration in InfluxDB Cloud

Madu Mitha Ravi
4 min readDec 25, 2021


Configuring InfluxDB’s JMeter Pre-Built Dashboard for Performance analysis is a continuation of the pre-requisite of connecting the JMeter tool with InfluxDB which can be accomplished in few steps that has been detailed in the blog link mentioned below.

InfluxDB provides a pre-built template for capturing the results and live monitoring the test results from JMeter. The pre-built template is ready to use and just needs to be installed/setup in the InfluxDB with few steps. This option suits best for users who do not have any experience in writing FLUX queries and users who have some experience but prefer not to play with the queries. Though, with the pre-built template the users do have the privilege to format the dashboard by updating the queries/ cells as and when they want to. So, in short the JMeter template dashboard can be used as is or can be updated per needs.

Now, let us dive deep into “Using pre-built InfluxDB JMeter Dashboard template” by understanding how to install the template to your InfluxDB Cloud accounts and a brief overview of the JMeter template’s graphs and metrics.

JMeter Template can be installed in InfluxDB Cloud, using one of the two methods.

Method 1: Using CLI

Step 1: Connect your InfluxDB Cloud to the CLI

What would you need? InfluxDB Cloud URL, Token ID and Organization ID

Open the terminal and navigate to the path of installation of InfluxDB in your machine then input the below.

./influx config create -n <give a name to your account> -u <InfluxDB 
Cloud URL> -o <Organization ID> -t <Token ID> -a

Step 2: Paste the below line in the terminal, which grabs the yml file and installs to your InfluxDB account

./influx apply -u

When prompted for confirmation, provide “y” and enter

Confirmation prompt

Step 3: Login to your InfluxDB Cloud -> Go the Dashboards page -> You will find a Dashboard named as “JMeter”

Step 4: Inside the Dashboard, update the bucket name provided in JMeter Backend Listener configuration using the drop down(blog link mentioned above)

Method 2: Using Template Installer

Step 1: Login to your Cloud account

Step 2: Go to Settings page -> Templates tab

Step 3: Paste the yml link and click lookup template

Step 4: Install the template using the installer

Step 5: Go to Dashboard page to view the JMeter Dashboard

Inside the JMeter Dashboard, select the bucket which is set to receive the data from the JMeter tool listener and the graphs will unfold based on the timeframe selected.

JMeter Dashboard — Bucket selection
JMeter Dashboard Metrics

The pre-built JMeter Dashboard contains 10 fundamental graph/metrics to analyze the Performance test results such as the User count, Sent and received Bytes graph, Successful/ UnSuccessful (Error) requests count, Number of Hits, Min, Max, Average, 90th and 95th Percentile response times. By clicking on configure, one can view the raw data, play with different types of graphs, update the existing queries, validate across different timeframes etc.

Next blog will be a continuation to discuss on building our own customized Dashboard for Performance analysis using InfluxDB Cloud.

