Is Domestic Abuse a Worldwide Problem?

M.R. W
4 min readMay 15, 2023


YASSSSS!!! Domestic abuse is a worldwide problem! And it affects people of all genders, ages, religions, and cultures. While the prevalence and nature of domestic abuse may vary across different countries and regions, it is a significant issue in every country and is recognized as a violation of human rights.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in three women worldwide has experienced physical or sexual violence in their lifetime, often by an intimate partner. Domestic abuse can take many forms, including physical violence, emotional abuse, financial abuse, and sexual violence.

While domestic abuse is a global problem, it is important to note that it is also influenced by cultural, social, and economic factors. For example, gender inequality, poverty, and cultural norms around gender roles can contribute to the prevalence of domestic abuse in certain countries and regions.

Addressing domestic abuse requires a coordinated and comprehensive approach, including legal and policy measures, social services and support, and community-based interventions. By recognizing domestic abuse as a global issue, we can work towards creating a safer and more equitable world for all.

And with a little research, you can get help locally for yourself or someone in need of support and or assistance. There are many organizations that can provide support to women who are leaving a domestic violence situation and need help with financial security, housing, childcare, and other needs. Here are some examples:

  1. National Domestic Violence Hotline: This hotline provides crisis counseling and referrals to local resources, including shelters, legal advocacy, and counseling.

2. Women’s Shelters: Women’s shelters provide a safe place for women and their children to stay while they work on rebuilding their lives. Many shelters also offer services such as legal advocacy, counseling, and job training.

3. Legal Aid Organizations: Legal aid organizations can provide free or low-cost legal assistance to women who are seeking a divorce, child custody, or protection orders against their abusers.

4. Financial Assistance Programs: Many government and non-profit organizations offer financial assistance programs for low-income individuals and families. These programs can help with housing, food, and other basic needs.

5. Childcare Assistance Programs: Childcare assistance programs can provide financial assistance for childcare costs, which can help women who are leaving abusive situations to work or attend school.

6. Support Groups: Support groups can provide a sense of community and emotional support for women who are leaving abusive situations. Many organizations, including women’s shelters and counseling centers, offer support groups for survivors of domestic violence.

It’s important to note that every situation is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Women who are leaving abusive situations may need to access a variety of services and support in order to rebuild their lives and create a safe and stable future for themselves and their children. The organizations listed above can be a starting point for women who are seeking help and support.

Hopefully, this will help one or more know they are not alone in this. That there are plenty of women and children, whom have been in the same boat. And also took the stand to walk in the same shoes…out of the situation. It is by any means easy. It is one of the hardest things and circumstance to free oneself (and child(ren)) from. It is in itself like an addiction. With many months of rehabilitating self and setting boundaries. Configuring the in and outs of a “new normalcy.” That is free of abuse. To open up to new opportunities and avenues.

May we all be free from abuse?

Sadly, doubtful.

But, with education and awareness. We can define boundaries within ourselves and with those we encounter and those we allow to remain.

So…Is there someone you can call or a number to share, that is full of helping hands and resources to lead you to a positive life?


There is a nationwide hotline in USA. You can find them online at or by calling 800.799.SAFE (7233).

Here is a website to many other countries that provide support and services:

List of helplines in 46 countries — WOMEN AGAINST VIOLENCE EUROPE (

Helplines in Europe — Istanbul Convention Action against violence against women and domestic violence (

Also, want to include India’s Domestic Violence National Helpline, which is run by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. The hotline operates 24 hours a day and can be reached at 181.

The hotline provides crisis counseling and referrals to local resources for survivors of domestic violence, including legal aid, counseling, and shelters.

Having a nationwide hotline can be very beneficial because it provides a centralized resource for survivors of domestic violence to access help and support. It can also help to raise awareness about domestic violence and the resources available to survivors. However, it’s important to note that a hotline is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to addressing domestic violence. It’s also important to have a range of services and support available to survivors, including counseling, legal aid, shelter, and financial assistance programs.

If writing this post can save one life, to be turned around for positive changes. Then I have done my hopes and wishes for taking the time to put this out there. We all have points in our lives where we may feel alone or helpless within a situation. In fear of feeling ashamed or worthless or failing. This is not the case. You are worthy. You are unique and special. You are someone’s child. And you deserve every opportunity to live out your dreams and make your wishes to come true. Life is shorter than we make it out to be. Give yourself or someone else dear to you, the chances and choices to take that step forward onto a positive path, moving forward.

