4 min readSep 22, 2019

Malaga in 2 days(Jun 20- Jun 23)

Our next stop after Seville was Malaga & I still wonder why, as it was quite a big shift from the traditional Spanish culture in Seville to a big city full of modern buildings here, though you can see a bit of Moorish influence in the architecture of old buildings.

The weather was hot with an average of 28 degrees in the day time.

There are free walking tours available where you gather at a certain point at around 11 AM and a local takes you through the major places of wonder(We didn’t do it though)

We had a cozy Airbnb very close to the beach but we needed to commute via bus to visit local monuments. It was located in the Miramar Del Palo area and had an amazing fish & wine place nearby called Juanito Juan.

Major places to visit

Picasso Museum: Go there only if you are really influenced by Picasso’s work. We booked the tickets on the spot. A funny incident happened I recall is, as I deposited my water bottle there, they ended up breaking the bottle cap by mistake while placing it. They took down all my details and I was wondering if they are going to blame it on me. Turns out they needed it in case I wanted to claim my insurance for the same! Ticket cost: 8 Euros per person

Do grab a bite at Casa Lola in the vicinity. The food here is great and the place is almost always full but surely worth the wait.

Malaga Cathedral: Loved it for its grandness and beauty. Ticket cost: 6 Euros pp

Alcazaba Fort & Roman Theatre: Quite a nice uphill walk inside. Good location to click pictures.

Soho: For street art

Beach: The water was quite cold and hence very good for circulation. You would find a lot of locals coming here for the same. You would find many restaurants along the coastline with yummy skewered sardine stalls set up right in front on the sand. The sunset is quite lovely and so are the restaurants with some nice street art going on. We liked Rompedos, Vox(only for drinks+ Sheesha), El Morata the most, but it’s, of course, a personal choice.

Malaga Cathedral
Roman theatre just outside Alcazaba
At Picasso museum, I being a dumbass & clicking pictures when we weren’t allowed to(L), Him totally frustrated & hungry after visiting the museum(R)
Pretty sunset at the beach
Yummy Sardines
Juanito Juan(Miramar area) , Casa Lola(Near Picasso Museum)
Grafitti game going strong(L), Weird street artist? (L), he was just bent in this position and people were putting in money.


  1. Public bus transportation is quite good with a fixed rate(1.3 Euros) for any destination, though it’s preferable to take a cab for airport

2. Malaga Cathedral for 6 Euros and a free audio guide is better than Seville Cathedral from a beauty point of view. You need not book beforehand

3. The local drink is Sangria. Also, enquire properly about the Tapas you are going to have because try you must, but language gap did make me eat things I wouldn’t otherwise put in my mouth(extra sour boiled octopus)

4. Skip Malaga if you don’t have any particular interest.