Mukesh Ambani Quotes: 13 Amazing Quotes by Mukesh Ambani
2 min readMar 11, 2020


Mukesh Ambani Quotes

Mukesh Ambani is one of the most successful Businessmen in India as well as in the whole world and he is the richest man in India. So we should learn something from him by his Quotes.

So, here are 13 Quotes of Mukesh Ambani

“It is important to achieve our goals, but not at any cost.” — Mukesh Ambani

“The organizational architecture is really that a centipede walks on a hundred legs and one or two don’t count. So, if I lose one or two legs, the process will go on, the organization will go on, the growth will go on.” — Mukesh Ambani Quotes

My big advantage was to have my father accept me as first-generation. — Mukesh Ambani

I am a big believer that whatever has gone lies in the past. You should only learn from it, and you should only look at the present and the future. That’s been my father’s philosophy and mine as well. — Mukesh Ambani

I generally think that I should only speak by action and not by words. — Mukesh Ambani

“Business must serve a larger societal purpose.” — Mukesh Ambani

“I don’t think that ambition should not be in the dictionary of entrepreneurs. But our ambition should be realistic. You have to realize that you can’t do everything.” — Mukesh Ambani

“It is important to remember, there are no overnight successes. You will need to be dedicated, single-minded, and there is no substitute to hard work.” — Mukesh Ambani

Profit or loss is not guaranteed. That depends on the consumer and depends on the product. That’s a risk that business people take. — Mukesh Ambani Quotes

I guess when you are left on your own, you find your true potential. I remember my father never came to our school even once. — Mukesh Ambani Quotes

At Reliance, we have always believed in investing in the businesses of the future and in investing in talent. — Mukesh Ambani

“Any business that has the soul purpose of making money is not worth doing.” — Mukesh Ambani

“My view is to give everyone the space to grow in his own way. When you see restructuring or separations in a family [firm], value has almost always been destroyed. This is the first case where value has been enhanced. In that way it has been a win-win ending.” — Mukesh Ambani

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